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documents chunking intelligenza artificiale decoding thecat
· 2024-10-01 05:00:10 Decoding Chunking: Notes on Mastering Language Structure Cheshire Cat AI
estimated reading time: 8 min This article, collection of notes, was co-written with Cheshire Cat. Memory-loaded items are listed in the resources at the end of the post. In a digital age overflowing with data, our brains often feel like overloaded hard drives desperately in need of so
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· 2024-09-15 09:01:43 How to run Cheshire Cat behind a Traefik reverse proxy to add SSL support Cheshire Cat AI
estimated reading time: 2 min Traefik is a reverse proxy that is gaining momentum in both Docker Compose and Kubernetes deployments. Why choosing Traefik over other solutions, like Nginx, is out of the scope of this short post: there are technical and “religious” reasons…Why would
copyright intelligenza artificiale
· 2024-09-07 16:58:02 Crea Musica con le AI e la fa ascoltare dai Bot. Una frode da 12 milioni di dollari ai servizi di streaming
estimated reading time: 3 min Le autorità americane hanno accusato Michael Smith, 52 anni, di aver frodato i servizi di streaming per oltre 10 milioni di dollari. Si ritiene che Smith abbia utilizzato l’intelligenza artificiale per creare centinaia di migliaia di brani di band defunt
rag intelligenza artificiale
· 2024-09-05 09:56:41 (Part 2) Build a Conversational RAG with Mistral 7B and LangChain | by Madhav Thaker | Medium
estimated reading time: 13 min DALL-E generated image of a young man having a conversation with a fantasy football assistantBefore diving into the advanced aspects of building Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) applications with LangChain, it is crucial to first explore the foundation
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· 2024-09-05 09:54:25 Build a Medical Q&A system using LangChain and Mistral 7B | by Mehdi Iraqi | Medium
estimated reading time: 10 min In this blog post, we explore two cutting-edge approaches to answering medical questions: using a Large Language Model (LLM) alone and enhancing it with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).We have selected Mistral 7B, an open-source LLM, for its cost-effe
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· 2024-09-05 09:16:29 Mastering RAG: How to Select A Reranking Model Galileo
estimated reading time: 17 min Optimizing retrieval results in a RAG system requires various modules to work together in unison. A crucial component of this process is the reranker, a module that improves the order of documents within the retrieved set to prioritize the most relevant it
privacy intelligenza artificiale
· 2024-08-18 23:39:33 Legge IA, Pizzetti: "Correttivi dal Garante, ma il dilemma sono le competenze" Agenda Digitale
estimated reading time: 8 min In data 2 agosto il Collegio del Garante privacy ha adottato un provvedimento col quale, su richiesta della Presidenza del Consiglio ha espresso il suo parere su uno schema di disegno di legge recante disposizioni in materia d
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· 2024-08-14 22:02:21 Newsletter del 9 agosto 2024 Oblio oncologico, dal Garante Privacy informazioni utili per cittadini e imprese Intelligenza artificiale, Garante: sì al ddl ma con le dovute cautele Noleggio auto: Garante Privacy sanziona una banca e una società di leasing
estimated reading time: 6 min NEWSLETTER N. 526 del 9 agosto 2024Oblio oncologico, dal Garante Privacy informazioni utili per cittadini e imprese Intelligenza artificiale, Garante: sì al ddl ma con le dovute cautele Noleggio auto: Garante Privacy sanziona una banca e una società di le
· 2024-07-31 10:41:33 Mastering PDFs: Extracting Sections, Headings, Paragraphs, and Tables with Cutting Edge Parser — LlamaIndex, Data Framework for LLM Applications
estimated reading time: 5 min Despite recent motivation to utilize NLP for wider range of real world applications, most NLP papers, tasks and pipelines assume raw, clean texts. However, many texts we encounter in the wild, including a vast majority of legal documents (e.g., contracts an
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· 2024-07-30 17:32:20 Il decalogo sull'utilizzo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nella...
estimated reading time: 1 min Martedì 30 luglio 2024Aggiungi ai preferiti a cura di: AteneoWeb S.r.l.L'Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AGID) ha pubblicato il decalogo dell’IA, nel quale fornisce, in modo chiaro e sintetico, indicazioni pratiche per l’uso dell’intelligenza artifici
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· 2024-06-20 10:41:40 Click To Imagine — LRNZ
estimated reading time: 114 min Click to imagine. Ver. 0.2 aggiornata al 5/9/2022Disclaimer:Non ho assolutamente la pretesa di avere la verità in tasca, anzi, auspico di riuscire a capire qualcosa di più proprio grazie al confronto che questo testo potrebbe generare con i suoi lettori
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· 2024-05-31 17:06:07 OpenAI ha smascherato alcuni gruppi russi e israeliani che utilizzano l'intelligenza artificiale per fare disinformazione Eunews
estimated reading time: 3 min Bruxelles – Un rapporto di 39 pagine in cui la società leader dello sviluppo di intelligenza artificiale analizza in dettaglio l’utilizzo dei propri software per manipolare l’informazione online. Il resoconto di OpenAI rivela che negli ultimi tre mes
· 2024-03-30 09:26:41+01:00 Chatgpt api OpenAI API: How do I count tokens before(!) I send an API request? Stack Overflow
estimated reading time: 11 min Asked 1 year ago Modified 23 days ago Viewed 63k times This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear Save this question. Show activity on this post. OpenAI's text models have a context length, e.g.: Curie has a context length of
· 2024-02-19 12:47:56+01:00 Magnific AI — The magic image Upscaler & Enhancer
estimated reading time: 3 min ×I accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The most advanced AI tech to achieve insanely high-res upscaling. Not only upscale, enhance! Magnific can hallucinate and reimagine as many details as you wish guided by your own prompt and parameters! Bef
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· 2024-02-14 20:35:42+01:00 Retrieval Augmented Generation The Cheshire Cat
estimated reading time: < 1 min Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is an AI framework for improving the quality of responses generated by large language models (LLMs) by grounding the model on external sources of information. RAG uses semantic search to retrieve relevant and up-to-
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
intelligenza artificiale chatgpt
· 2024-01-21 08:58:48+01:00 There's No Way to Protect Custom GPT Instructions
estimated reading time: 8 min BPS_Software 4There is further discussion on this topic at the below links, but your understanding is correct that you cannot currently protect the GPTs in any useful way. And yes, knowledge documents can also be accessed. Exactly. @michaelchase gets it. GP
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· 2024-01-21 08:20:54+01:00 There's No Way to Protect Custom GPT Instructions
estimated reading time: 8 min neohed 1Am I correct in thinking this?I created a Custom GPT I thought was safe. I posted the challenge on X. About a week later someone got the instructions.The biggest problem seems to be when the conversation gets long enough, it forgets the instructions
· 2024-01-17 06:40:17+01:00 LangChain Tutorial – How to Build a Custom Knowledge Chatbot
estimated reading time: 11 min You may have read about the large number of AI apps that have been released over the last couple of months. You may have even started using some of them.AI tools such as ChatPDF and CustomGPT AI have become very useful to people – and for good reason. Go
intelligenza artificiale database vettoriale
· 2024-01-14 02:45:09+01:00 Quickstart Tutorial | Weaviate Vector Database
estimated reading time: 20 min Welcome to the Quickstart guide for Weaviate, an open-source vector database. This tutorial is intended to be a hands-on introduction to Weaviate.In the next ~20 min utes, you will:Build a Weaviate vector database, and Query it with: semantic search, an a
· 2024-01-14 02:33:14+01:00 Un onesto confronto dei database vettoriali open source
estimated reading time: 8 min Un confronto accurato dei database vettoriali open source I database a vettori offrono una vasta gamma di vantaggi, in particolare nell’intelligenza artificiale generativa (AI) e, più specificamente, nei grandi modelli di linguaggio (LLM). Questi benefi
intelligenza artificiale embeddings
· 2024-01-14 02:25:25+01:00 Embeddings e GPT 4 per clusterizzare le recensioni dei prodotti sfruttando l'AI
estimated reading time: 6 min AI Come si possono raggruppare automaticamente centinaia di migliaia di recensioni per poterle analizzare? L'intelligenza artificiale ci può aiutare! Possiamo generate gli embeddings e clusterizzarli attraverso K-means. GPT-4, infine, può descriverli auto
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· 2024-01-13 19:20:27+01:00 Claude instant 100k
estimated reading time: 41 min !(function(){try{var a=function(c){var v="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)",h=window.matchMedia(v).matches?"dark":"light",r=c==="system"?h:c,o=document.documentElement,s=document.body,l="chakra-ui-light",d="chakra-ui-dark",i=r==="dark";return s.classList.add(i
rag intelligenza artificiale
· 2024-01-07 21:52:24+01:00 RAG and generative AI Azure AI Search
estimated reading time: 14 min Article Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) is an architecture that augments the capabilities of a Large Language Model (LLM) like ChatGPT by adding an information retrieval system that provides grounding data. Adding an information retrieval system gi
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· 2024-01-06 18:56:00+01:00 Generative ai for beginners/03 using generative ai responsibly at main · microsoft/generative ai for beginners
estimated reading time: < 1 min {{ message }} / generative-ai-for-beginners Public Notifications Fork 12.9k Star 21.9k You can’t perform that action at
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· 2024-01-04 08:36:40+01:00 L’Agenzia delle Entrate assume: 4.113 tecnici in più per l’analisi dei dati
estimated reading time: 3 min Valorizzazione delle risorse umane e assunzione di nuove professionalità con l’obiettivo di rispettare quanto chiede il Pnrr anche in termini di modernizzazione della macchina operativa del fisco. L’atto di indirizzo inviato a fine anno dal min istro d
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· 2023-12-31 14:53:07+01:00 Government urges police to increase use of facial recognition software
estimated reading time: 2 min Facial recognitionCrime and Policing Minister, Chris Philps, has urged the police to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology more for crime-fighting by May 2024. In a letter to police chiefs, Philps said the number of searches using facial recognition
· 2023-12-23 16:37:01+01:00 Mistral AI API | Mistral AI Large Language Models
estimated reading time: 2 min Create Chat CompletionsRequest Body schema: application/jsonrequiredmodel required stringID of the model to use. You can use the List Available Models API to see all of your available models, or see our Model overview for mo
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· 2023-12-17 06:27:16+01:00 Il futuro del cloud secondo OVHcloud
estimated reading time: 10 min Durante il suo summit annuale, OVHcloud ha guardato al futuro del cloud presentando una serie di iniziative e di soluzioni che abbracciano diversi segmenti chiave. Giunto alla decima edizione, l’evento si è svolto a La Maison de la Mutualité a Pa

"Cercasti giustizia, trovasti la legge" - De Gregori, Il bandito e il campione

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