Diritto sportivo Dal 22.1.2004 La Banca Dati Normativa e Giurisprudenziale dell'avv. Alberto Foggia
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“Rigore è quando arbitro fischia.” - Vujadin Boskov


Ciclismo: il Tas ribalta la sentenza del Tribunale Nazionale Antidoping condannando a quattro anni di squalifica

2009-11-13  NEW: Appunta - Stampa · modifica · cancella · pdf

Per violazione degli articoli 2.6 e 2.8 delo Codice WADA


Lausanne, 12 November 2009

- The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has upheld the appeal filed by the “Ufficio delle procura anti-doping” (UPA) of the Italian national Olympic Committee (CONI) against the decision of 27 February 2009, issued by the CONI National Anti-Doping Tribunal (TNA) concerning the Italian cyclist ....  The case of ... was referred to the TNA following a statement of his team mate ... who confessed that he used EPO CERA provided by ... in 2008.  However, the TNA exonerated ...  of any anti-doping rule infraction due to lack of evidence.

The UPA CONI filed a statement of appeal at the CAS on 14 April 2009 to request that ... be suspended for a period of four years.  The CAS Panel in charge of this case has upheld the appeal and has declared the athlete ineligible for a period of four years, commencing on 27 February 2009.  Contrary to the findings of the TNA, the CAS Panel considered that a violation of Articles 2.6 and 2.8 of the World Anti-Doping Code (possession of prohibited substances and administration to any athlete of any prohibited substance) was sufficiently established to declare that .. was guilty of an anti-doping violation.


Link: http://www.tas-cas.org/en/infogenerales.asp/4-3-37

2009-11-13 - Fonte: Dir. Sportivo



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