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Osservatorio a cura del dott. V. Spataro 

   linee guida 2024-07-24 ·  NEW:   Appunta · Stampa · Cita: 'Doc 98716' · pdf

Linee guida per essere confermi al GDPR dalla Corea


La CNIL con lungimiranza le segnala. Sono in inglese. Sono in legal design, i "legal comics": fumetti educativi.

Il linguaggio e' veramente interessante. Rivolto ai giovani, parte dall'abbigliamento per spiegare i dati personali.


Fonte: Korean authority


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"Afin d’aider les entreprises étrangères souhaitant développer une activité en Corée du sud, la PIPC publie des lignes directrices pédagogiques pour les aider à se conformer à la loi sud-coréenne de protection des données personnelles."


Title "Your data, your rights", a Korean-French poster to raise awareness among young people
Department   Date 2024.05.05
Attachment [press release] A Korean-French Webtoon Poster.pdf
Page URL

"Your data, your rights", a Korean-French poster to raise awareness among young people


As part of the partnership between the PIPC and Cnil (French Data Protection Authority), which has been ongoing since October 2022, the Webtoon poster “Your data, your rights” aims to inform young people what they can do to protect their privacy.


«We hope to further expand the collaboration between the PIPC and CNIL, which has created 

synergy across a broad spectrum, including enhancing awareness.

Dr. Haksoo KO, PIPC’s Chairperson


“Legislation is not completely identical between France and Korea, but people have the same 

rights and the same issues arise in our two countries. »

Marie-Laure Denis, president of the CNIL


Webtoon-type illustrated media are significantly popular with young people.

Understanding legal concepts is not always easy.

The poster “Your data, your rights” informs, in a Korean Webtoon style, what personal data is, and the rights individuals have: access, rectification, opposition, erasure and portability.

When reading this poster, young people will be informed of the fact that service providers must explain to them in a clear and plain language what is done with their personal data. 

The poster is available in French, Korean, and English.

The PIPC and Cnil are planning to enhance their partnership to strengthen understanding of new technologies and to support capabilities of both authorities to address new challenges related to privacy.



Testo del 2024-07-24 Fonte: Korean authority


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