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"Chiedo e soffro fortemente nel mio cuore, per tutta questa burocrazia e queste leggi che condannano e penalizzano il povero, l’indigente e i più deboli" - Fr. Biagio


Legal Design Contest: the new constitutional referendum in Italy asks to reduce the components of the Parliament.

Who wants to apply principles to legal design to explain the vote can contact me by email or better via Telegram:iusondemand

Join us as soon as possible to receive personal updates on the contest.

All works will be published without comments on and

Professors, universities, schools and specialized teams are wellcome.

The contest is open until midnight 20 august 2020 to send the first drafts (these works will stay private).The final works must arrive until midnight 27 august 2020 (this is mandatory).

07.08.2020 - pag. 95144 print in pdf print on web


Legal Design Contest: the new constitutional referendum in Italy asks to reduce the components of the Parliament.

Who wants to apply principles to legal design to explain the vote can contact me by email or better via Telegram:iusondemand

All the works will be published on my website, and on with your presentation and no comments.

  • The works will be submitted in cc nc 3.0, please state it in your files, togheter with the date and your name and your team (and all web addresses / linkedin profiles).
  • The contest is open until midnight 20 august 2020 to send the first drafts (these works will stay private).
  • The final works must arrive until midnight 27 august 2020 (this is mandatory).
  • Everybody can discuss the solution or create teams using also this community on Facebook,
  • All materials must be submitted in .htm or .doc or .odt AND .pdf including the license
  • The presentation must at least present the author / team and explaining the solutions adopted.
  • All materials must have at least an english abstract of 1000 chars, and can be also completly in english.

Thank you all, let's start !

This is my faq for non italian readers:

  1.  It's a constitutional referendum
  2.  You have to vote yes or no, you can get the paper and don't vote, or invalidating the vote doing everything else
  3.  The majority of voters decide the winner. There is not a minimum of votes required.
  4.  If you answer yes, you want to reduce the parliament. If you vote no, all stay as now.
  5.  We have two (partially equavalent) branches of the Parliament: Camera (younger deputies), Senato (older ones)
  6.  In Camera now we have 630 component; with SI (yes), 400
  7.  in Senato now we have 315 senators, with SI, 200; plus some senators can be nominated for all their life long by the President of the Italian Republic: now they are 6, with SI will be 4;  In case of SI there's also a new rule: there's a maximun number of all life long senators: 5.

That's all. Write me as soon as possible declaring your intention to partecipate and receive personal updates on the contest.

ps: the contest starts now because italian ministers published the infos in the last days, sorry.

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Legal Design Contest: the new constitutional referendum in Italy asks to reduce the components of the Parliament.


"Chiedo e soffro fortemente nel mio cuore, per tutta questa burocrazia e queste leggi che condannano e penalizzano il povero, l’indigente e i più deboli" - Fr. Biagio

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