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"La nostra meta non e' mai un luogo ma un nuovo modo di vedere le cose" - Henry Miller

Legge pinto    

Italia condannata perche' ritarda a pagare i danni per i processi lenti !

La prossima dichiarazione sara': l'Italia non ha piu' istituzioni funzionanti.
22.12.2010 - pag. 76144 print in pdf print on web


"Accordingly, the Court dismissed the objection on grounds of inadmissibility raised by
the Italian Government 2 .

While the Court recognised that the authorities needed time to make payment, it
reiterated that in respect of a compensatory remedy designed to redress the
consequences of excessively lengthy proceedings, that period should not generally
exceed six months from the date on which the decision awarding compensation became
enforceable 3 . In the applicants’ case, in view of the delay in enforcing the Pinto
decisions, that period had been considerably exceeded."

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22.12.2010 Spataro

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"La nostra meta non e' mai un luogo ma un nuovo modo di vedere le cose" - Henry Miller

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