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"Dei grandi restano le opere" - Bernini

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Premio al Tribunale di Milano per i decreti ingiuntivi online

Merito del decreto ingiuntivo online. photo courtesy of erkinsahin
27.10.2008 - pag. 66716 print in pdf print on web


Fa tenerezza pensare che a Verona, qualche anno fa, sottolineavo l'utilità di spingere per il decreto ingiuntivo online.

Ora arriva il premio “Bilancia di cristallo”, come riconoscimento per le prassi innovative che contribuiscono alla qualità della giustizia civile al Tribunale di Milano per averlo realizzato.

Prize “The Crystal Scales of justice” The European prize for innovative practice contributing to the quality of civil justice 2008 Edition

2007 saw the introduction in Milan is what is, to date, the only experience in Italy involving the computerised dispatch of petitions for injunctions to pay, which in Italy  require the plaintiff to produce evidence and the involvement of the judge.

The case file is paperless until the stage in which the debtor is notified of the injunction, all communications between lawyers and court offices are computerised, and computerised court orders are deemed legitimate1.

The computerised lawsuit (official website, which is the fruit of evolution in legislative matters and years of investment by the Ministry, has thus found its first application.

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