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"La differenza tra dittatura e democrazia è che in democrazia prima si vota e poi si prendono ordini, in dittatura non dobbiamo sprecare il nostro tempo andando a votare." - Charles Bukowski


Alimentazione: Bush contro i processi frivoli: gli obesi non possono far causa ai fast food

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to ban lawsuits by obese customers who say they became overweight by eating at fast-food restaurants.
11.03.2004 - pag. 27708 print in pdf print on web


"It's hard to believe that trial lawyers want to make the claim that 'Ronald McDonald made me do it,' " House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said about the issue. "The point of this debate [is] all about personal responsibility. If you eat too much, you will gain weight."

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"La differenza tra dittatura e democrazia è che in democrazia prima si vota e poi si prendono ordini, in dittatura non dobbiamo sprecare il nostro tempo andando a votare." - Charles Bukowski

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