Osservatorio sul diritto e telecomunicazioni informatiche, a cura del dott. V. Spataro dal 1999, 9338 documenti.

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Gloxa 02.11.2009    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Gloxa as a powerful tool for lawyers

These the words from Mario Sabatino, lawyer in Rome, about our



The Use of Hashtags to tag #law related updates on Twitter

Some Italian lawyers have started to systematically tag their law related updates on Twitter.

This is the result: The word law is traslated in Italian as diritto

I've also started to tag my posts on EU law and international law with the tag #law
This is the result:

Mind that these are real time results from (data taken from the public Twitter's timeline).

Well I think this is a good way to search, organize and filtrate Twitter's content.

Valentino Spataro has created Gloxa , a web service that can let you manage Groups of Twitters, search Twitts via the hashtags system, comment Twitts via Disqus. Have a look, Gloxa has also other interesting features.

IMHO Twitter + Gloxa could be great tools for a web 2.0 lawyer

Why not considering as an International english speaking lawyer to start tagging all your law related Twitter upadates with the #law hashtag ? We may also define other hashtags (e.g. #contract #copyright) to share with the international lawyers community.

02.11.2009 Spataro
avv. Mario Sabatino

I social network: le mini reti sociali per gruppi limitati
Il mio #librinnovando ... cronaca di una giornata bella
Hashtag: democrazia aggregata secondo Jeff Jarvis
The Internet Law Program (iLaw) 2011 - imperdibile
La settimana dell'hashtag: Come usare twitter per lavoro
Legalgeek marzo 2011: 1912 segnalazioni in 22 mesi sul diritto di internet
Come Gloxa cambia il rapporto con i lettori di un sito
Gloxa per gestire gruppi tematici su Twitter. E sui nostri siti
Gloxa come aggregatore di chi opera nel diritto in Italia ?
Raccogliere sentenze con i social network: Gloxa

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