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Censura 29.04.2009    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Doccia fredda: in Europa si va verso il pacchetto telecom

On May 5th in fact, the EU Parliament will vote a package of new regulations (the so-called "Telecom Package") which may free European Internet providers to decide which content, services and applications European users can access and use.

Video da Tim Berners-Lee. In 1989, he proposed a global hypertext project, to be known as the World Wide Web.


Indice generato dai software di IusOnDemand
su studi di legal design e analisi testuali e statistiche


1) "Under the proposed new rules, broadband providers will be legally able to limit the number of websites you can look at, and to tell you whether or not you are allowed to use particular services. It will be dressed up as ‘new consumer options’ which people can choose from."

2) "What would it mean to you if free access to the Internet was taken away?"

3) Tell the European Parliament to vote against conditional access to the Internet!

4) Join this Facebook group


Read on master new media, from "Originally written by the Blackout Europe Team and first published on April 20th, 2009 as "URGENT – VOTING IN EU PARLIAMENT 5th of MAY 2009"."


From Facebook:


News on the Telecoms Package is available here:

To read the Telecoms Package proposals, go here:

The Second Reading amendments which will be voted by the European Parliament on 31 March and again on 5th May, are here:

An exhaustive, visually effective and easy to understand analysis of the amended Directives is available here:

Or you can look at the European Parliament's own website, which is less easy to follow:

Framework, access and authorisation directive

Universal services and e-Privacy directive

An alternative proposal that we like is here:
as a fair and equitable basis for all internet communications.

For independent information try:

(In English)

(In German)

(In Italian)

(In French)


Campaign supported by:

La Quadrature du Net

Open Rights Group

Ireland Offline

Associazione Scambio Etico

== What's next? ==
It appears the next stage of voting on the Telecoms Package is:

- 5 May: Plenary vote (29 April is last date changes can be tabled)

== What can you do to help? ==
Write to your Member of the European Parliament TODAY (see discussion board and for details).

Talk to your friends, family, work colleagues - so that they too can write to their MEPs.

Write on blogs, forums, twitter, and social networks.

29.04.2009 Spataro

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