Osservatorio sul diritto e telecomunicazioni informatiche, a cura del dott. V. Spataro dal 1999, 9341 documenti.

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Microsoft 25.03.2004    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Microsoft: e' scontro di vedute tra gli antitrust Ue e Usa. Questi ultimi non si sognano di far togliere parte del software.

Grave affermazione: "Imposing antitrust liability on the basis of product enhancements and imposing ‘code removal’ remedies may produce unintended consequences". [...]

"The details of the EC’s requirements on this point remain to be seen, and we look forward to examining them."

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FFOR ......... .................., ..... 24, ........................ (202) ............. (202) 514- ...


Testo riservato agli abbonati (Iscriviti - Accedi).

Il testo e' disponibile gratis 7 giorni piu' tardi e senza allegati via email: iscriviti su

FOR ......... .................., ..... 24, ........................ (202) ............. (202) 514- ................, ..... .., ........................ (.0.) ............. (.0.) .1.-1...

......... ........ ....... FOR ........., R. ...... PATE, ...... ......... ....... ...... ........ IN ITS ......... INVESTIGATION

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- R. ...... Pate, ......... ........ ....... for ........., ...... the ......... ......... ..... ..... the ........ .......... ......... its ..... that ......... ........ ....... ........... to ..........., ..... for sale a ....... of its ....... ......... ...... that does not ....... the ....... ..... ......, and pay a fine of ... ....... ..... (..... $.1. .......):

...... ...... ...... ..... a ......... ....... ......... in 1..., ........ that ......... had .......... ........... in ......... of U.S. ......... laws. A ....... ..... and ...... ......... that ......... had ........ the ....... Act, ...... the ..... of ....... ........ the ....... ...... the U.S. had ......... and ........... ....... ....... of the ........ ......... ...... of .......... ......... the ...... of the case, the ...... ...... ....... a .........., ........ in a ..... ........, ..... was .......... ........ and ........ by the ........ ......

...... ...... ......... ..... ........ ........ ..... and ......... .......... for ........... and ......... by .......... ........... .......... by ......... that ..... ....... ........... in ................ ........, such as the web ....... that was the ....... of the ...... ......... ....... and the ..... ...... that is the ....... of the ...... ...... ...... The ..... ........, for ......., ......... the use by ......... of ......... ......... or ..... .......... that ....... ..........., ......... ............... ............ of ..... and ....... ........, and ........ ......... to ....... ........... to ..... ...................... of .............. ......... The ...... ...... ......... to be ...... in its ........... of ............. .......... with the ..... ........, and this work has ........ in ........... ....... to ............. ........ ..........

...... EC has ..... ....... a ......... ........... ........ by ........ a ....... .......... ...... to ....... its ..... ...... ......... The U.S. .......... ..... us that the best ......... ........ ......... ........... to the ....... ........... of ........... ....... ....... ......... .......... ........... or ........ ....... on ..... ......., ..... may ...... from the ...... ....... A ........... of ....... .......... was not at any time - ......... ...... the ...... when the U.S. was ....... a ....... of ......... ..... to the ......... of that ...... by the ..... of ....... - part of the ...... ......... ........ .......

........... ......... ......... on the ..... of ....... ............ and ........ ....... .......... ........ may ....... .......... ............. ..... ......... ...... must ..... ........ .......... and ........... even by .............. .......... A ........ ........ ..... .......... ..........., not ..........., in ways that may .......... harm .......... and the ......... that ....... from it. It is ........... that the U.S. ........ ..... .......... and ........ a ....... ...... in the U.S. ...........

........ the .......... of a ..... fine is a ......... and ........ ...... of EC ......... ..........., it is ........... that the ....... ......... fine ever ...... will now be ....... in a case of .......... ........... ......., the most ......... and ............. area of ......... ............ For this fine to ....... even the ..... ...... ....... ....... of the most ......... ..... ...... ....... may send an ........... ....... ..... the ........... ......... of ........... ...........

....... ....... to the ...... ...................... ......, ..... ........ ......... to ....... ............ used by ......... ...... ........ to ........... with ..... ......... ........ on a ......., ..... is ............ more ....... with the ...... ......... ......... Like the U.S. ......, the EC ........ ....... to ..... on ......... ......... ........ .......... with the ........... to ..... ........ that ........... and ............ with ............. PCs. The ....... of the ...... ............ on this ..... ...... to be seen, and we look ....... to ......... them.

.................. ......... .........., it is ......... to ......... the ....... ...... and ........ ............ ....... the U.S. and the EC on ....... of ........... ....... The ......... ....... of this ....... ............ is ............ ......... in the ....... of ...... ......., ..... the sale and use of ........ ....... ...... ........ The ....... .......... will ........ to work .............. with the EC to ....... ..... ......... ........... ........ that ....... ......... on both ..... of the .........”

25.03.2004 Spataro

Il Garante Europeo richiama la Commissione, e arrivano i nodi al pettine.
Chatcontrol, Feedback from: Microsoft
Windows 95: le presentazioni quando non c'era niente da nascondere.
Luis Alberto Montezuma on LinkedIn: s | 22 comments
201 Cookie banner: sanzione di 60 milioni a Microsoft Irlanda per la mancanza di un rifiuta tutti
Soluzioni GDPR e scuole italiane: la nota 20 marzo 2023, 706 su Google e Microsoft
Windows 11 al primo avvio contatta troppi fornitori terzi traccianti ?
Gli USA indagano sulle posizioni dominanti nel digitale: 450 pagine
Aggiornate manualmente e immediatamente Windows e Linux
Paul Allen

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