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"Non esistono soluzioni di destra o di sinistra. Esistono solo soluzioni civili o incivili." - Il Vernacoliere.


Voto elettronico in Usa: tutti per Bush ... ! (I=Law)

Zeusnews segnala che ...
11.11.2004 - pag. 27490 print in pdf print on web


Molti chiedono il *+voto elettronico*-. Noi no. Le macchinette producono database access. Senza doppi controlli. Così su 623 abitanti 3000 voti per Bush.

Al link indicato. "Problems in North Carolina, California In one North Carolina county, more than 4,500 votes were lost in Tuesday’s election because officials mistakenly believed a computer that stored ballots electronically could hold more data than it did. And in San Francisco, a voting software malfunction could delay efforts to declare the winners of four county supervisor races. In the Gahanna precinct, multiple copies of each ballot were recorded: two on the machine and three to a removable cartridge, said Matthew Damschroder, director of the Franklin County Board of Elections. When voting ends, each cartridge is taken to one of five zones in the county, where the results were loaded into a laptop. Those results were transferred by secure data lines to the county." Cioe': i supporti magnetici portati ad un laptop a mano, poi i dati spediti su linee sicure. Sono file access ...

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