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estimated reading time: 3 min  Image: Karen Arnold / Public Domain Pictures / CC0C’est une longue bataille que vient de remporter le petit Poucet Entr’Ouvert contre Orange, a rapporté le site d’actus
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estimated reading time: 4 min The European Commission’s use of microtargeting techniques to promote its controversial law to prevent the dissemination of child sexual abuse material is under investigation
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dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 The Digital Services Act package
estimated reading time: 3 min The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Market Act (DMA) form a single set of rules that apply across the whole EU. They have two main goals: to create a safer digital sp
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estimated reading time: 2 min Image: Jason Mendez/Getty Images (Getty Images) For those in the entertainment industry (and creative fields more generally), AI has been an extremely divisive topic. As v
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estimated reading time: 1 min CompaniesSony Group CorpSony music Entertainment Germany GmbHUniversal music Group NVAug 11 (Reuters) - Universal <
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estimated reading time: 2 min Photo: LouiesWorld1 (Shutterstock) Disney is jumping on the artificial intelligence bandwagon. The conglomerate has formed a new task force to determine how the technology
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estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Ret
intelligenza artificiale chatgpt 2023-06-17 Guerre di Rete AI Act, l'Europarlamento tiene
estimated reading time: 14 min Cosa prevede l'attuale formulazione della legge. Poi sorveglianza, TikTok e altro. Screenshot della conferenza stampa all’Europarlamento del 14 giugno 2023 Guerre di Rete
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estimated reading time: 1 min L’Autorità adotta misure cautelari per un presunto abuso di dipendenza economica da parte del gruppo di Mark Zuckerberg, che dovrà anche fornire tutte le informazioni necess
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estimated reading time: 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA gé
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estimated reading time: 1 min Il presidente onorario della Siae spiega a la sua posizione dura nei confronti di Meta per tutelare gli autori italianiRicevi una notifica con le ultime notiz
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estimated reading time: 3 min di  - 16/03/2023 15:300La SIAE (per una volta) fa la SIAE: si appoggia alla direttiva sul copyright e pretende di vedere quanto guadagna il colosso americano sfruttando le ca
pace pregaognigiorno 2023-02-24 «Europe for peace», manifestazione a Milano
estimated reading time: 1 min Venerdì 24 febbraio, a un anno dall’invasione dell’Ucraina, l’associazionismo ambrosiano e altre realtà si riuniscono dalle 17 in piazza Santo Stefano per chiedere la fi
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estimated reading time: 4 min In my life, I can recall three specific moments where a piece of technology has completely gobsmacked me. It was June 2007. I vividly remember waiting on line for several hours
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estimated reading time: 4 min FIRENZE (ITALPRESS) - Si è tenuto questa mattina a Firenze l'evento conclusivo del progetto "Salute, fake news e verosimiglianze: allenaMENTI per non perdere la bussola" realiz
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guide ux dsa caffe20 @genna 2022-11-07 The Digital Service Act: the definitive guide
estimated reading time: 14 min By on 28 October 2022 • ( Leave a comment ) The Digital Services Act (“DSA”) has been finally published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will be soon app
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