Stiamo parlando di:
Tutti / Eid: ai act algoritmi assicurativonews avvocati banche bce blockchain caffe20 chatcontrol chatgpt china cie cina confini democrazia digitale did digital identity documenti elettronici domini dsa eid eidas english euro digitale europa european firma elettronica free giudici giustizia predittiva google guerra identita digitale identità digitale immobili intelligenza artificiale intelligenza artificiale generativa iopago it wallet lexchain libri mafia minori nfc notifica notifiche open source pagopa pec privacy privacydb privacynews rating regolamentazione reviews schengen sequestro sorveglianza spid ssl tributi ucraina wallet
Tutti / Eid: ai act algoritmi assicurativonews avvocati banche bce blockchain caffe20 chatcontrol chatgpt china cie cina confini democrazia digitale did digital identity documenti elettronici domini dsa eid eidas english euro digitale europa european firma elettronica free giudici giustizia predittiva google guerra identita digitale identità digitale immobili intelligenza artificiale intelligenza artificiale generativa iopago it wallet lexchain libri mafia minori nfc notifica notifiche open source pagopa pec privacy privacydb privacynews rating regolamentazione reviews schengen sequestro sorveglianza spid ssl tributi ucraina wallet 2024-04-12
Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry
estimated reading time: 3 min Google provides cloud computing services to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and the tech giant has negotiated deepening its partnership during Israel’s war in Gaza, a company
estimated reading time: 3 min Google provides cloud computing services to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and the tech giant has negotiated deepening its partnership during Israel’s war in Gaza, a company 2024-01-29
IT Wallet: a che punto è l’identità digitale italiana e cosa aspettarci Agenda Digitale
estimated reading time: 4 min Un periodo intenso di aggiornamenti e ripianificazioni per l’identità digitale italiana: a quasi un anno dai primi annunci di rimodulazione di SPID (risalenti a dicembre 2022
estimated reading time: 4 min Un periodo intenso di aggiornamenti e ripianificazioni per l’identità digitale italiana: a quasi un anno dai primi annunci di rimodulazione di SPID (risalenti a dicembre 2022 2024-01-29
IT Wallet o EUDI Wallet? Cosa succede con le identità digitali in Italia | Intesa, a Kyndryl Company
estimated reading time: 8 min Normativa 27.06.2023 | Tempo di lettura: 10 min IT Wallet o EUDI Wallet? Cosa succede con le identità digitali in Italia Facciamo chiarezza sulle ultime notizie con Giu
estimated reading time: 8 min Normativa 27.06.2023 | Tempo di lettura: 10 min IT Wallet o EUDI Wallet? Cosa succede con le identità digitali in Italia Facciamo chiarezza sulle ultime notizie con Giu 2023-11-03
EU Digital Identity framework (eidAS) another kind of chat control? Blog | Mullvad VPN
estimated reading time: 1 min The proposed EU Digital Identity framework (eidAS) aims to meddle with the process around internet certificates and will undermine the independenc
estimated reading time: 1 min The proposed EU Digital Identity framework (eidAS) aims to meddle with the process around internet certificates and will undermine the independenc 2023-11-03
Last Chance to fix eidAS
estimated reading time: 4 min 2nd November 2023After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eidAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 represe
estimated reading time: 4 min 2nd November 2023After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eidAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 represe 2023-10-18
Panetta sull'euro digitale: "Teniamoci pronti a emetterlo"
estimated reading time: 2 min L'euro digitale vive oggi quello che il governatore di Bankitalia Ignazio Visco ha definito un "giorno rilevante". Dopo due anni di istruttoria da parte della Banca centrale eur
estimated reading time: 2 min L'euro digitale vive oggi quello che il governatore di Bankitalia Ignazio Visco ha definito un "giorno rilevante". Dopo due anni di istruttoria da parte della Banca centrale eur 2023-10-15
Undermining Democracy: The European Commission's Controversial Push for Digital Surveillance – Danny Mekić
estimated reading time: 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Au
estimated reading time: 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Au 2023-09-13
Children In China Can Only Use Smartphone For 2 Hours A Day: Beijing To Limit Internet Addiction
estimated reading time: 2 min Internationaloi-PTIBy PTI| Published: Thursday, August 3, 2023, 12:39 [IST]China's internet watchdog has laid out regulations to curb the amount of time children spend on their
estimated reading time: 2 min Internationaloi-PTIBy PTI| Published: Thursday, August 3, 2023, 12:39 [IST]China's internet watchdog has laid out regulations to curb the amount of time children spend on their 2023-08-25
New EU Rules for Digital Services: Why Germany Needs Strong Platform Oversight Structures
estimated reading time: 77 min PublikationenAuthor: Dr. Julian JaurschTopics: Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere and Platform RegulationPublished on: May 17th, 2022German version: Neue EU-Regeln f
estimated reading time: 77 min PublikationenAuthor: Dr. Julian JaurschTopics: Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere and Platform RegulationPublished on: May 17th, 2022German version: Neue EU-Regeln f 2023-07-28
Google attempts to defend Web Environment Integrity proposal
estimated reading time: 6 min Google's Web Environment Integrity (WEI) proposal, according to one of the developers working on the controversial fraud fighting project, aims to make the web "more private and
estimated reading time: 6 min Google's Web Environment Integrity (WEI) proposal, according to one of the developers working on the controversial fraud fighting project, aims to make the web "more private and 2023-07-06
estimated reading time: 4 min Created by Virginie MANGELINCK, last modified by Georgios Chatzitheodoridis on Jul 05, 2023 The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) was born in 2018 when 29 count
estimated reading time: 4 min Created by Virginie MANGELINCK, last modified by Georgios Chatzitheodoridis on Jul 05, 2023 The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) was born in 2018 when 29 count 2023-07-06
Digital Identity Standards
estimated reading time: < 1 min DownloadPDF document, 2.26 MB This report gives an overview of the most important standards and standardisation organisations in this area. This information is useful for
estimated reading time: < 1 min DownloadPDF document, 2.26 MB This report gives an overview of the most important standards and standardisation organisations in this area. This information is useful for 2023-06-22
Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the Draft EU AI Act?
estimated reading time: 14 min Stanford researchers evaluate foundation model providers like OpenAI and Google for their compliance with proposed EU law on AI.Requirements Rubrics Grades GitHubFo
estimated reading time: 14 min Stanford researchers evaluate foundation model providers like OpenAI and Google for their compliance with proposed EU law on AI.Requirements Rubrics Grades GitHubFo 2023-06-21
"Firma con IO": come firmare documenti e contratti via smartphone Agenda Digitale
estimated reading time: 9 min Da qualche giorno è disponibile la soluzione di Firma Elettronica Qualificata “one shot” con il massimo valore legale, pari alla firma autografa, che consente agli enti di
estimated reading time: 9 min Da qualche giorno è disponibile la soluzione di Firma Elettronica Qualificata “one shot” con il massimo valore legale, pari alla firma autografa, che consente agli enti di 2023-06-20
Domicilio digitale
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue. 2023-06-12
Nasce INAD, l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali
estimated reading time: 3 min Al via l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali (INAD): da oggi i cittadini possono registrare su INAD il proprio domicilio digitale, come per esempio un indirizzo PEC attivat
estimated reading time: 3 min Al via l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali (INAD): da oggi i cittadini possono registrare su INAD il proprio domicilio digitale, come per esempio un indirizzo PEC attivat 2023-06-06
Schengen states extend border checks, ignoring EU court
estimated reading time: 6 min According to the Schengen Agreement, people and goods may freely cross the borders of the 26 signatory countries without any checks or requirements. Internal border controls wit
estimated reading time: 6 min According to the Schengen Agreement, people and goods may freely cross the borders of the 26 signatory countries without any checks or requirements. Internal border controls wit 2023-06-03
Data mining, big data, machine learning nei tributi e negli immobili
estimated reading time: 56 min DATA MINING E MACHINE LEARNING : LA NUOVA FRONTIERA DEI BIG DATA NEL SETTORE IMMOBILIARE Maurizio Festa * Capo Ufficio Statistiche e studi sul mercato immobiliare
estimated reading time: 56 min DATA MINING E MACHINE LEARNING : LA NUOVA FRONTIERA DEI BIG DATA NEL SETTORE IMMOBILIARE Maurizio Festa * Capo Ufficio Statistiche e studi sul mercato immobiliare 2023-05-29
E Wallet: parte dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento la sperimentazione italiana del portafoglio digitale Ue
estimated reading time: 4 min FESTIVAL DELL'ECONOMIA Il Wallet europeo: una scelta strategica per l’Italia Nella foto: Luca DE BIASE, Maurizio FATARELLA, Roberto VIOLA, Francesco PROFUMO, Andrea SIMONI, An
estimated reading time: 4 min FESTIVAL DELL'ECONOMIA Il Wallet europeo: una scelta strategica per l’Italia Nella foto: Luca DE BIASE, Maurizio FATARELLA, Roberto VIOLA, Francesco PROFUMO, Andrea SIMONI, An 2023-05-14
ChatGPT: China detains man for allegedly generating fake train crash news, first known time person held over use of AI bot | South China Morning Post
estimated reading time: 4 min string string string string China Economy HK Asia Business
estimated reading time: 4 min string string string string China Economy HK Asia Business 2023-04-27
[Dossier IA générative] ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné
estimated reading time: 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA gé
estimated reading time: 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA gé 2023-04-23
Red Alert: ICANN and Verisign Proposal Would Allow Any Government In The World To Seize Domain Names
estimated reading time: 16 min ICANN, the organization that regulates global domain name policy, and Verisign, the abusive monopolist that operates the .COM and .NET top-level domains, have quietly proposed
estimated reading time: 16 min ICANN, the organization that regulates global domain name policy, and Verisign, the abusive monopolist that operates the .COM and .NET top-level domains, have quietly proposed 2023-04-01
Cieid Apps on Google Play
estimated reading time: 3 min About this app With the Cieid app you can access the online services of the Public Administration and private individuals adhering to "Enter with
estimated reading time: 3 min About this app With the Cieid app you can access the online services of the Public Administration and private individuals adhering to "Enter with 2023-03-02
eidAS digital identity assurance levels clearly and easily explained – Quinta’s weblog
estimated reading time: 1 min wallets with “high” level of assurance are based on very sophisticated hardware and software…. but credentials are issued with an (effectively) unauditable process, involv
estimated reading time: 1 min wallets with “high” level of assurance are based on very sophisticated hardware and software…. but credentials are issued with an (effectively) unauditable process, involv 2023-02-22
CIE e SPID: i problemi da affrontare nella convergenza tra identità fisica e digitale Agenda Digitale
estimated reading time: 9 min Il verbo che circola da qualche tempo attorno allo SPID è “spegnere”. Suona male, potrebbe essere un errore di comunicazione per una tematica di convergenza tecnologica, ch
estimated reading time: 9 min Il verbo che circola da qualche tempo attorno allo SPID è “spegnere”. Suona male, potrebbe essere un errore di comunicazione per una tematica di convergenza tecnologica, ch 2023-02-13
Carta etica europea sull’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale nei sistemi giudiziari e negli ambiti connessi adottata dalla CEPEJ
estimated reading time: 143 min Strasb urg o, 3 dicembre 2018 CEPEJ(2018)14 COMMISSION E EUROPEA PER L’EFFICIENZA DELLA GIUSTIZIA (CEPEJ) Carta etica e uropea sull
estimated reading time: 143 min Strasb urg o, 3 dicembre 2018 CEPEJ(2018)14 COMMISSION E EUROPEA PER L’EFFICIENZA DELLA GIUSTIZIA (CEPEJ) Carta etica e uropea sull 2023-02-09
E ID: i contributi dei Pirati Europei per la #privacy
estimated reading time: 2 min Bruxelles, 09/02/2023 – Oggi la commissione competente per l’industria, la ricerca e l’energia (ITRE) ha adottato un progetto di mandato sull’identità digitale europea
estimated reading time: 2 min Bruxelles, 09/02/2023 – Oggi la commissione competente per l’industria, la ricerca e l’energia (ITRE) ha adottato un progetto di mandato sull’identità digitale europea 2023-02-06
Insurance Europe response to targeted open finance consultation
estimated reading time: 70 min Response to EC targeted consultation on open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector Our reference: COB -TECH -22 -081 Date: 5 July
estimated reading time: 70 min Response to EC targeted consultation on open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector Our reference: COB -TECH -22 -081 Date: 5 July 2023-01-19
Il patto sporco e il silenzio: La Trattativa Stato mafia eBook : Lodato, Saverio, Di Matteo, Nino: Kindle Store
estimated reading time: 4 min '); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeid); =
estimated reading time: 4 min '); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeid); = 2023-01-19
La trattativa tra Stato e mafia nel racconto inedito di un infiltrato eBook : Ranucci, Sigfrido, Biondo, Nicola: Libri
estimated reading time: 4 min '); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeid); =
estimated reading time: 4 min '); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeid); =
Stiamo parlando di:
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