Stiamo parlando di:
Tutti / Cybersec: acn ade ai act algoritmi anthropic antitrust appello arresti assicurativonews baldoni ban blockchain caffe20 chatcontrol chatgpt commissione cra credibile cross examination cyber resilience act cybernews cybersec did ecommercenews eid eidas europe free frodi identità digitale indagini intelligenza artificiale intelligenza artificiale generativa mozilla foundation open source openai polizia privacy privacydb privacynews reati informatici regolamentazione sicurezza smartcar smartcart software sorveglianza spid ssl tiktok traffico videosorveglianza wallet
Tutti / Cybersec: acn ade ai act algoritmi anthropic antitrust appello arresti assicurativonews baldoni ban blockchain caffe20 chatcontrol chatgpt commissione cra credibile cross examination cyber resilience act cybernews cybersec did ecommercenews eid eidas europe free frodi identità digitale indagini intelligenza artificiale intelligenza artificiale generativa mozilla foundation open source openai polizia privacy privacydb privacynews reati informatici regolamentazione sicurezza smartcar smartcart software sorveglianza spid ssl tiktok traffico videosorveglianza wallet 2024-08-30
U.S. AI Safety Institute Signs Agreements Regarding AI Safety Research, Testing and Evaluation With Anthropic and OpenAI | NIST
estimated reading time: 1 min GAITHERSBURG, Md. — Today, the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute at the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) annou
estimated reading time: 1 min GAITHERSBURG, Md. — Today, the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute at the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) annou 2024-03-07
Navigating through Challenges and Opportunities of cybersecurity Standardisation — ENISA
estimated reading time: 2 min News Item On 5 March, the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for c
estimated reading time: 2 min News Item On 5 March, the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for c 2024-01-06
What You Need to Know About China’s New Generative AI Measures
estimated reading time: 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial
estimated reading time: 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial 2023-12-10
Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while businesses can thrive and expand.On Fri
estimated reading time: 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while businesses can thrive and expand.On Fri 2023-12-10
Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | Attualità | Parlamento europeo
estimated reading time: 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while businesses can thrive and expand.On Fri
estimated reading time: 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while businesses can thrive and expand.On Fri 2023-11-03
Last Chance to fix eIDAS
estimated reading time: 4 min 2nd November 2023After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eIDAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 representing EU’s key bodies and wil
estimated reading time: 4 min 2nd November 2023After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eIDAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 representing EU’s key bodies and wil 2023-10-27
*Privacy Not Included: A Buyer’s Guide for Connected Products
estimated reading time: 13 min By Jen Caltrider, Misha Rykov and Zoë MacDonald | Sept. 6, 2023Update: *We're hosting a Reddit AMA on Sept. 21!*Ah, the wind in your hair, the open road ahead, and not a care
estimated reading time: 13 min By Jen Caltrider, Misha Rykov and Zoë MacDonald | Sept. 6, 2023Update: *We're hosting a Reddit AMA on Sept. 21!*Ah, the wind in your hair, the open road ahead, and not a care 2023-10-11
Air Europa data breach: Customers warned to cancel credit cards
estimated reading time: 1 min Spanish airline Air Europa, the country's third-largest airline and a member of the SkyTeam alliance, warned customers on Monday to cancel their credit cards after attackers acc
estimated reading time: 1 min Spanish airline Air Europa, the country's third-largest airline and a member of the SkyTeam alliance, warned customers on Monday to cancel their credit cards after attackers acc 2023-08-10
Concerns over the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
estimated reading time: 1 min As the world’s most popular open source content management system, WordPress acknowledges the European Union’s initiative to bolster the cybersec
estimated reading time: 1 min As the world’s most popular open source content management system, WordPress acknowledges the European Union’s initiative to bolster the cybersec 2023-07-19
Tell the Department of Homeland Security: Stop Collecting DNA and other Biometrics
estimated reading time: 2 min Update (10/16/20): The comment window is now closed. EFF will be posting our response to the DHS in the days to come. Thank you to everyone who made your voice heard against thi
estimated reading time: 2 min Update (10/16/20): The comment window is now closed. EFF will be posting our response to the DHS in the days to come. Thank you to everyone who made your voice heard against thi 2023-06-18
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act
estimated reading time: 24 min June 14, 2023 - The European Parliament has approved its negotiating position on the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act.The European Parliament adopted its negotiating positi
estimated reading time: 24 min June 14, 2023 - The European Parliament has approved its negotiating position on the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act.The European Parliament adopted its negotiating positi 2023-06-03
La Governance dei dati personali in AdE nuova struttura
estimated reading time: 12 min - 1 - Divisione Risorse Modifiche all’organizzazione della Direzione Centra le Audit e della Direzione Centrale Servizi Istituzionali e di Riscossione IL DIRETT
estimated reading time: 12 min - 1 - Divisione Risorse Modifiche all’organizzazione della Direzione Centra le Audit e della Direzione Centrale Servizi Istituzionali e di Riscossione IL DIRETT 2023-06-01
EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch
estimated reading time: 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and t
estimated reading time: 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and t 2023-05-31
Jimmy Orucevic on LinkedIn: study on cross examination in artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 1 min Jimmy OrucevicPrivacy Professional | Data Protection | cybersecurity | Technology | CIPP/E | LLM1h Edited#Study --> an effective Framework to a
estimated reading time: 1 min Jimmy OrucevicPrivacy Professional | Data Protection | cybersecurity | Technology | CIPP/E | LLM1h Edited#Study --> an effective Framework to a 2023-05-29
E Wallet: parte dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento la sperimentazione italiana del portafoglio digitale Ue
estimated reading time: 4 min FESTIVAL DELL'ECONOMIA Il Wallet europeo: una scelta strategica per l’Italia Nella foto: Luca DE BIASE, Maurizio FATARELLA, Roberto VIOLA, Francesco PROFUMO, Andrea SIMONI, An
estimated reading time: 4 min FESTIVAL DELL'ECONOMIA Il Wallet europeo: una scelta strategica per l’Italia Nella foto: Luca DE BIASE, Maurizio FATARELLA, Roberto VIOLA, Francesco PROFUMO, Andrea SIMONI, An 2023-05-09
Steve Wozniak: le AI faranno leva sulla scarsa consapevolezza del rischio per generare frodi di ogni tipo
estimated reading time: 3 min Steve Wozniak: le AI faranno leva sulla scarsa consapevolezza del rischio per generare frodi di ogni tipo Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accede
estimated reading time: 3 min Steve Wozniak: le AI faranno leva sulla scarsa consapevolezza del rischio per generare frodi di ogni tipo Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accede 2023-05-08
La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy
estimated reading time: 3 min La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Arc
estimated reading time: 3 min La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Arc 2023-04-17
Cyber Resilience Act
estimated reading time: 1 min Hardware and software products are increasingly subject to successful cyberattacks, leading to an estimated global annual cost of cybercrime of €5.5 trillion by 2021.Such prod
estimated reading time: 1 min Hardware and software products are increasingly subject to successful cyberattacks, leading to an estimated global annual cost of cybercrime of €5.5 trillion by 2021.Such prod 2023-04-14
Tutti speaker sulla cybersecurity. Ma a parte le chiacchiere, chi fa le cose?
estimated reading time: 6 min La prima rivoluzione informatica è compiuta, viviamo nella società digitale.La nostra vita “sempre connessa” piena di comodità – la facilità dei contatti e comunicazio
estimated reading time: 6 min La prima rivoluzione informatica è compiuta, viviamo nella società digitale.La nostra vita “sempre connessa” piena di comodità – la facilità dei contatti e comunicazio 2023-04-08
Google regala erroneamente denaro ai suoi clienti a causa di un errore tecnico
estimated reading time: 2 min Google regala erroneamente denaro ai suoi clienti a causa di un errore tecnico Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accedere a informazioni su un dis
estimated reading time: 2 min Google regala erroneamente denaro ai suoi clienti a causa di un errore tecnico Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accedere a informazioni su un dis 2023-03-10
Bruno Frattasi, chi è il nuovo direttore dell'Agenzia per la cybersicurezza a digiuno di cybersecurity
estimated reading time: 4 min L’attuale prefetto di Roma, Bruno Frattasi, è il nuovo direttore dell’Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale al posto di Roberto Baldoni, di fatto dimissionato dal governo
estimated reading time: 4 min L’attuale prefetto di Roma, Bruno Frattasi, è il nuovo direttore dell’Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale al posto di Roberto Baldoni, di fatto dimissionato dal governo 2023-03-10
ACN, Bruno Frattasi il nuovo direttore generale
estimated reading time: 3 min È il prefetto Bruno Frattasi il nuovo direttore generale dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN). Il Consiglio dei min istri ha dato parere favorevole alla scelt
estimated reading time: 3 min È il prefetto Bruno Frattasi il nuovo direttore generale dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN). Il Consiglio dei min istri ha dato parere favorevole alla scelt 2023-02-28
Commission strengthens cybersecurity and suspends the use of TikTok on its corporate devices
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue. 2023-02-24
European Commission bans TikTok from corporate devices
estimated reading time: 1 min This article was updated with a comment from TikTok.The EU executive’s IT service has asked all Commission employees to uninstall TikTok from their corporate devices, as well
estimated reading time: 1 min This article was updated with a comment from TikTok.The EU executive’s IT service has asked all Commission employees to uninstall TikTok from their corporate devices, as well 2023-02-22
CIE e SPID: i problemi da affrontare nella convergenza tra identità fisica e digitale Agenda Digitale
estimated reading time: 9 min Il verbo che circola da qualche tempo attorno allo SPID è “spegnere”. Suona male, potrebbe essere un errore di comunicazione per una tematica di convergenza tecnologica, ch
estimated reading time: 9 min Il verbo che circola da qualche tempo attorno allo SPID è “spegnere”. Suona male, potrebbe essere un errore di comunicazione per una tematica di convergenza tecnologica, ch 2023-02-09
EU Cyber Resilience Act
estimated reading time: 1 min From baby-monitors to smart-watches, products and software that contain a digital component are omnipresent in our daily lives. Less apparent to many users is the security risk
estimated reading time: 1 min From baby-monitors to smart-watches, products and software that contain a digital component are omnipresent in our daily lives. Less apparent to many users is the security risk 2023-01-14
Assicurare il rischio cyber: quanto conviene? I trend 2023 e i possibili sviluppi per le aziende Cyber Security 360
estimated reading time: 8 min Secondo quanto riportato dal Financial Times, Zurich, tra le principali compagnie assicurative in Europa, presto cesserà di assicurare i rischi da attacchi informatici. Secondo
estimated reading time: 8 min Secondo quanto riportato dal Financial Times, Zurich, tra le principali compagnie assicurative in Europa, presto cesserà di assicurare i rischi da attacchi informatici. Secondo 2023-01-05
Resoconto attività 2022 della Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni e dei Centri Operativi Sicurezza Cibernetica Rivista cybersecurity Trends
estimated reading time: 11 min La Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni ha pubblicato il resoconto delle attività svolte nel 2022 sulle macro-aree di competenza, in particolare negli ambiti della prevenzion
estimated reading time: 11 min La Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni ha pubblicato il resoconto delle attività svolte nel 2022 sulle macro-aree di competenza, in particolare negli ambiti della prevenzion 2022-12-30
Tutti sotto sorveglianza! Con il riconoscimento facciale la polizia domenicana arresta 843 persone
estimated reading time: 1 min Tutti sotto sorveglianza! Con il riconoscimento facciale la polizia domenicana arresta 843 persone Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accedere a in
estimated reading time: 1 min Tutti sotto sorveglianza! Con il riconoscimento facciale la polizia domenicana arresta 843 persone Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accedere a in 2022-12-28
Open source software vs. the proposed Cyber Resilience Act
estimated reading time: 14 min By Maarten AertsenNLnet Labs is closely following a legislative proposal by the European Commission affecting almost all hardware and software on the European market. The Cyber
estimated reading time: 14 min By Maarten AertsenNLnet Labs is closely following a legislative proposal by the European Commission affecting almost all hardware and software on the European market. The Cyber
Stiamo parlando di:
Tutti / Cybersec: acn ade ai act algoritmi anthropic antitrust appello arresti assicurativonews baldoni ban blockchain caffe20 chatcontrol chatgpt commissione cra credibile cross examination cyber resilience act cybernews cybersec did ecommercenews eid eidas europe free frodi identità digitale indagini intelligenza artificiale intelligenza artificiale generativa mozilla foundation open source openai polizia privacy privacydb privacynews reati informatici regolamentazione sicurezza smartcar smartcart software sorveglianza spid ssl tiktok traffico videosorveglianza wallet
Tutti / Cybersec: acn ade ai act algoritmi anthropic antitrust appello arresti assicurativonews baldoni ban blockchain caffe20 chatcontrol chatgpt commissione cra credibile cross examination cyber resilience act cybernews cybersec did ecommercenews eid eidas europe free frodi identità digitale indagini intelligenza artificiale intelligenza artificiale generativa mozilla foundation open source openai polizia privacy privacydb privacynews reati informatici regolamentazione sicurezza smartcar smartcart software sorveglianza spid ssl tiktok traffico videosorveglianza wallet
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