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linux ux 2023-10-25 Programma Linux Day Milano
estimated reading time: 2 min organizzato da unixMiB sabato 28 ottobre 2023Ore 9:00 Università Milano Bicocca Edificio U6, primo piano Opening KeynoteLorenzo Olearo - unixMiB, Luca Biscaldi - Politecnico Op
open source cra caffe20 2023-08-10 Open Letter on the Significance of Free and Open Source Software in the EU’s Proposed cyber resilience act
estimated reading time: 37 min O pen L ette r o n t h e S ig nif ic a nce o f F re e a nd O pen S ourc e S oftw are i n t h e E U ’s P ro pose d C yb er R esilie nce A ct 2 5 J u ly 2
antitrust cra caffe20 2023-08-10 Concerns over the European Union’s cyber resilience act (CRA)
estimated reading time: 1 min As the world’s most popular open source content management system, WordPress acknowledges the European Union’s initiative to bolster the cybersecurity of digital hardware an
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 regolamentazione 2023-06-18 The EU Artificial Intelligence Act
estimated reading time: 24 min June 14, 2023 - The European Parliament has approved its negotiating position on the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act.The European Parliament adopted its negotiating positi
open source free software cra liabilities caffe20 2023-05-11 EU Parliament wants to protect Free Software in AI regulation FSFE
estimated reading time: 1 min on: Today the European Parliament's responsible committees voted by a large majority to protect Free Software in the AI regulation. The plenary is called upon to uphold the idea
software open source europe cra liabilities caffe20 2023-05-08 Why the European Commission must consult the Open Source communities Voices of Open Source
estimated reading time: 2 min A crucial problem with the Impact Assessment of the cyber resilience act (CRA) is that no Open Source communities or community fiduciaries were co
software open source cra caffe20 regolamentazione cybernews 2023-04-17 cyber resilience act
estimated reading time: 1 min Hardware and software products are increasingly subject to successful cyberattacks, leading to an estimated global annual cost of cybercrime of €5.5 trillion by 2021.Such prod
free europe cra caffe20 privacynews cybernews privacydb cyber resilience act 2023-02-09 EU cyber resilience act
estimated reading time: 1 min From baby-monitors to smart-watches, products and software that contain a digital component are omnipresent in our daily lives. Less apparent to many users is the security risk
software open source europe caffe20 regolamentazione privacynews cybernews 2022-12-28 Open source software vs. the proposed cyber resilience act
estimated reading time: 14 min By Maarten AertsenNLnet Labs is closely following a legislative proposal by the European Commission affecting almost all hardware and software on the European market. The

"Se tu sei solo per te, chi sei ?" - Hillel, 60 a.C. rabbino

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