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dsa caffe20 2023-08-25 New EU Rules for Digital Services: Why Germany Needs Strong Platform Oversight Structures
estimated reading time: 77 min PublikationenAuthor: Dr. Julian JaurschTopics: Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere and Platform RegulationPublished on: May 17th, 2022German version:  Neue EU-Regeln fÃ
disney free artificial intelligence intelligenza artificiale caffe20 privacydb 2023-08-10 Disney Forms AI Task Force for Theme Parks and R&D
estimated reading time: 2 min Photo: LouiesWorld1 (Shutterstock) Disney is jumping on the artificial intelligence bandwagon. The conglomerate has formed a new task force to determine how the technology
caffe20 privacynews chatgpt 2023-06-01 EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch
estimated reading time: 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and t
intelligenza artificiale caffe20 chatgpt cross examination 2023-05-31 Jimmy Orucevic on LinkedIn: study on cross examination in artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 1 min Jimmy OrucevicPrivacy Professional | Data Protection | Cybersecurity | Technology | CIPP/E | LLM1h Edited#Study --> an effective Framework to automatically catch factual erro
caffe20 chatgpt 2023-04-02 Alessio Pomaro on LinkedIn: #llm #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #chatgpt #gpt4 | 23 comments
estimated reading time: 1 min Alessio PomaroHead of SEO, Head of Voice Technology, AI Conversation Designer @ site By site S.p.A.19h Edited🧠 Iniziamo a fare un po' di chiarezza invece di cercare solo VPN?
caffe20 benanti chatgpt 2023-03-26 Paolo Benanti on LinkedIn: Se GPT 4 non sa dove va a parare | 10 comments
estimated reading time: < 1 min Paolo BenantiProfessore presso Pontificia Università Gregoriana1d È stato pubblicato un paper che sostiene che GPT4 mostra scintille di intelligenza artificiale generale,
microsoft etica caffe20 licenziamenti algoretica chatgpt 2023-03-18 Guerre di Rete Ciao GPT 4, arrivederci team sull'etica AI
estimated reading time: 13 min Trasparenza ed etica dell'AI. Il piano della Cina per il digitale. Guerre di Rete - una newsletter di notizie cyber a cura di Carola Frediani N.155 - 18 marzo 2023 Specie
green edifici 2023-03-14 L'Europarlamento approva la direttiva case green, Pichetto Fratin: "Non considera contesto italiano"
estimated reading time: 2 min Il Parlamento Europeo, riunito in sessione plenaria a Strasburgo, ha approvato la direttiva proposta dalla Commissione Europea per l'efficienza energetica degli edifici. I voti
password apple hardware fido caffe20 privacynews cybernews 2023-01-24 Apple iOS 16.3 arrives with support for hardware security keys
estimated reading time: 2 min Apple released iOS 16.3 today with long-awaited support for hardware security keys to provide extra protection against phishing attacks and unauthorized access to your devices.
cybersecurity 2fa password manager caffe20 privacynews cybernews 2022-12-26 LastPass finally admits: Those crooks who got in? They did steal your password vaults, after all…
estimated reading time: 10 min by Popular password management company LastPass has been under the pump this year, following a network intrusion back in August 2022. Details of how the attackers first got in

"Non si dà sollievo al dolore di un essere umano uccidendone un altro. Quando la medicina perde tale consapevolezza, non è più medicina" - Jérôme Lejeune, sull'aborto

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