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Chatcontrol 29.07.2022    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Privacy: e' finalmente arrivato il terremoto contro Chat Control

Tanti si sprecheranno in parole per spiegare quello che sta succedendo.

Come al solito anticipo e vi spiego perche' e' vitale, democratico, reagire con fermezza ad un abuso violento istituzionale contro la corrispondenza privata.

Chatcontrol introduce un obbligo di controllo, archiviando in chiaro ogni comunicazione anche crittata (che quindi deve poter essere aperta) contro eventuali abusi sessuali contro i minori.

Per quanto i pedofili mi facciano schifo quanto gli assassini volontari, non si puo' ridurre la libertà in nome della sicurezza, salvo causare maggiori danni. Lo storia insegna, gli uomini non imparano.

Ora le autorità europee in materia di privacy alzano violentemente la voce contro le istituzioni che stanno progettando una schedatura di massa mai vista dai tempi del nazismo.

Attenzione: si mina la sicurezza di ogni crittografia. Anche l'accesso ai conti online per intenderci.

Peccato che il comunicato giunga un venerdi' di fine luglio. Non va bene.

Ricordate il caso cambridge analityca: con tutti i dati raccolti e' possibile sapere tutto di tutti.

Sproporzione e irragionevolezza di un tentativo liberticida che pochissimi hanno compreso.

Preparatevi ad essere ipercontrollati, e previsto ogni pensiero.

Grazie a informapirata su rete federata per la segnalazione condivisa poco dopo quella ufficiale sempre su

Sul fondo uno scontro istituzionale tra Commissione e Europol da un lato e Garanti dall'altra.

Valentino Spataro



Informapirata :privacypride: @informapirata

Il #GEPD e il #EDPB hanno emesso oggi un parere congiunto in cui si afferma che, pur sostenendo gli obiettivi della proposta #chatcontrol per combattere gli abusi sessuali sui minori online, essa presenta seri rischi per i diritti fondamentali delle persone.
Comunicato stampa!H8tN6P

Proposal to combat child sexual abuse online presents serious risks for fundamental

Brussels, 29 July - The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection
Supervisor (EDPS) adopted a Joint Opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation to prevent and
combat child sexual abuse. The Proposal aims to impose obligations related to detecting, reporting,
removing and blocking known and new online child sexual abuse material (CSAM), as well as the
solicitation of children, on providers of hosting services, interpersonal communication services,
software application stores, internet access services and other relevant services.

The EDPB and EDPS consider child sexual abuse as a particularly serious and heinous crime.
Limitations to the rights to private life and data protection must, however, respect the essence of these
fundamental rights and remain limited to what is strictly necessary and proportionate. The EDPB and
EDPS consider that the Proposal, in its current form, may present more risks to individuals, and, by
extension, to society at large, than to the criminals pursued for CSAM. Whilst supporting the goals and
intentions behind the Proposal, the EDPS and EDPB express serious concerns about the impact of the
envisaged measures on individuals’ privacy and personal data. The lack of detail, clarity and precision
of the conditions for issuing a detection order for CSAM and child solicitation does not ensure that
only a targeted approach to CSAM detection will effectively take place. There is a risk that the
Proposal could become the basis for a generalised and indiscriminate scanning of content of virtually
all types of electronic communications. The EDPB and EDPS advise that the conditions for issuing
a detection order should be further clarified.

EDPB Deputy Chair, Ventsislav Karadjov, said: “There can be no doubt that child sexual abuse is
a most abhorrent crime that demands swift and effective action, but the Proposal as it stands contains
some serious shortcomings. It lacks legal certainty on multiple points and includes vague notions which
may lead to diverging implementations across the EU, in particular regarding detection orders. As
currently proposed, these orders may in fact even harm those they seek to protect. They could cause a
substantial degradation of the confidentiality of communication, which would expose children using
these services to monitoring or eavesdropping.”

In addition, the EDPB and EDPS are concerned about the measures envisaged for the detection of
unknown CSAM and the solicitation of children in interpersonal communication services. The use of
technologies to scan users’ communications, such as artificial intelligence, are likely to generate errors,
and represent a high level of intrusiveness into the privacy of individuals.

EDPS Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, said: “Measures allowing public authorities to have
access to the content of communications, on a generalised basis, affect the essence of the right to private

life. Even if the technology used is limited to the use of indicators, the negative impact of monitoring
the text and audio communications of individuals on a generalised basis is so severe that it cannot be
justified under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The proposed measures related to the detection
of solicitation of children in interpersonal communication services are extremely concerning.”
In their Joint Opinion, the EDPB and EDPS highlight that encryption contributes in a fundamental
way to the respect of private life and to the confidentiality of communications, freedom of
expression, innovation and growth of the digital economy. In particular, the EDPB and EDPS
underscore the importance of end-to-end encryption, a commonly used tool that has strong technical
and privacy safeguards. In light of this, the EDPB and EDPS make it clear that preventing or
discouraging, in any way, the use of end-to-end encryption would seriously weaken the role of
encryption in general.

A potential future EU Centre and a network of national Coordinating Authorities for child sexual abuse
issues will be created under the new Proposal. The EDPB and EDPS welcome that this new structure
will not affect the powers and competences of the data protection authorities. Nevertheless, the EDPB
and EDPS recommend that the relationship between the tasks of the national Coordinating
Authorities and national data protection authorities are better regulated. The Proposal should
clarify the purpose, and process, for which the EDPB’s Opinion on technologies used to execute
detection orders may be requested.

On a similar note, the EDPB and EDPS take note of the envisaged close cooperation between the EU
Centre and Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency combatting serious forms of crime. According
to the Proposal, the two agencies’ cooperation would involve the full access to relevant information
systems of individuals’ personal data, for the purpose of combatting child sexual abuse. Amongst
several of their recommendations, the EDPB and EDPS recommend that instead of giving direct access
to data, transmitting personal data between the EU Centre and Europol should take place only on
a case-by-case basis, following a thorough assessment of the request to access data in the
information systems, via a secure communication tool.
Questions to the EDPB can be directed to: and
Follow us on Twitter: @EU_EDPB
Questions to the EDPS can be directed to Olivier Rossignol:
Follow us on Twitter: @EU_EDPS

29.07.2022 Valentino Spataro

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