EU Court of Justice
The Court of Justice confirms that EU law precludes national legislation requiring a provider of electronic communications services to carry out the general and indiscriminate transmission or retention of traffic data and location data for the purpose of combating crime in general or of safeguarding national security
Le leggi europee vietano l'obbligo di conservazione indiscriminata dei dati di traffico e delle posizioni per combattere il crimine e per la sicurezza nazionale.
However, in situations where a Member State is facing a serious threat to national security that proves to be genuine and present or foreseeable, that Member State may derogate from the obligation to ensure the confidentiality of data relating to electronic communications by requiring, by way of legislative measures, the general and indiscriminate retention of that data for a period that is limited in time to what is strictly necessary, but which may be extended if the threat persists.
Tuttavia in casi seri, attuali, con evidenze genuine presenti o prevedibili, possono derogare per tempo limitato e strettamente necessario, sia pure estendibile.
As regards combating serious crime and preventing serious threats to public security, a Member State may also provide for the targeted retention of that data as well as its expedited retention. Such an interference with fundamental rights must be accompanied by effective safeguards and be reviewed by a court or by an independent administrative authority.
Per combattere il crimine e difendere la sciurezza pubblica si possono prevedere raccolte mirate purchè vi siano misure di sicurezza effettive controllate da giudici o autorità indipendenti.
Likewise, it is open to a Member State to carry out a general and indiscriminate retention of IP addresses assigned to the source of a communication where the retention period is limited to what is strictly necessary, or even to carry out a general and indiscriminate retention of data relating to the civil identity of users of means of electronic communication, and in the latter case the retention is not subject to a specific time limit.
Similmente, uno Stato può raccogliere indiscriminatamente dati di massa su identità degli utenti e dei mezzi di comunicazione, e in tal caso senza limiti di tempo.