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Privacy 18.03.2016    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

BREAKING NEWS: Il Parlamento Europeo annuncia che il nuovo safe harbour non vale nulla senza il suo preventivo parere

The European Parliament must give its opinion before the Commission can adopt an "adequacy decision" declaring that the framework offer a sufficient level of data protection, as a prerequisite for the deal to enter into force.


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su studi di legal design e analisi testuali e statistiche

Notare che sono sono l'unico in Italia a dire che il nuovo safe harbour non può essere vincolante perchè deciso con le stesse modalità che la Corte UE ha dichiarato non idonee a firmare il precedente accordo.

Ora ho la conferma dal Parlamento Europeo: l'accordo può funzionare solo se il Parlamento partecipa preventivamente alla decisione, e non dopo come già ora.

Vedremo nel prossimo futuro cosa succede.


EU-US “Privacy Shield”: MEPs to examine new deal on transatlantic data transfers

LIBE Press release - Citizens' rights / Justice and home affairs17-03-2016 - 10:07

The new “Privacy Shield” framework on EU-US transfers of personal data by private firms, which is to replace the former "Safe Harbour" one, will be debated by Civil Liberties Committee MEPs in a hearing on Thursday afternoon. Austrian citizen Max Schrems, whose court case against facebook led to Safe Harbour's downfall, the US lead negotiator, the EU Data Protection Supervisor, representatives from the Article 29 Working Party, the European Commission and others will all be quizzed on the deal.

The Civil Liberties Committee hearing is meant to help MEPs monitoring the operation of the new Privacy Shield framework and assessing whether it does indeed provide adequate data protection for EU citizens. Some MEPs have already voiced concerns over the new agreement. The European Parliament must give its opinion before the Commission can adopt an "adequacy decision" declaring that the framework offer a sufficient level of data protection, as a prerequisite for the deal to enter into force.


Time: Thursday 17 March, 15.00 - 18.30 Room: József Antall 6Q2.  Follow the hearing via webstreaming on EP live.

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