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Estradizione 16.01.2012    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Westminster Magistrates' Court, 13 January 2012

Richard O’Dwyer made some websites with domains .com .net and others with links to copyrighted movies.

U.S. Governmente asks U.K. for extradition based on Extradition Act 2003, seeking a trial for alleged crimnal copyright infingements.

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su studi di legal design e analisi testuali e statistiche

&.....;IN THE ........... .................; ..... THE .......... OF THE UNI TED ...... OF ....... - ...


Testo riservato agli abbonati (Iscriviti - Accedi).

Il testo e' disponibile gratis 7 giorni piu' tardi e senza allegati via email: iscriviti su

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.....;IN THE ........... .................; ..... THE .......... OF THE UNI TED ...... OF ....... - .../>IN THE ........... .................; .....

THE .......... OF THE UNI TED ...... OF .......

- V ......;

....... .......;.....
...... of ........ ..... ..... ..... 1.
.......; ....... .01.......; ........... Act .00..
......: (i) ........... ............ ......... ty see S... (.) (b)/1.. (ii) ....... of
time: S... (iii) ..... Righ ts:.....; ................:.....; ....... . ..........?
....... ..(.).
.........:.....; .....;.....;.....; Pros:.....; J. .....
Def:.....; B. ......
1......; ...........

....... .......;..... is a ......... ...... by ...... of a U.S. .......... ................; ......., ....... a ..... for ....... .............; ......... ............ , ..... . .......; ..........; .011 and ......... (........ to ....... .0 ........... Act .00.) by the ......... of
..... on 1. .......; ..... .011......; He is a U.K. ......., now .. ..... old, born on . .......; ........; 1.........; A ....... for his ...... was ....... .......; this ..... (....... .1, by ........ .....
.....) upon ..... he was ........ on ..
.....;May .011 ..... ....... ...... ........
..... Zani that same day. All ...............; ............ of the In ..... ....... were
........, ............, in ...... of ........; U.S.A.. ....... was not ............
........... bail has been ....... .......... ..... ........... ............
......... is made of the ......... by ....... .......;..... of a ....... ......;.................;
by ....., in ......., he is said to have ....... the web ....... ...... free ...... to
........... ....... ...... ......;............; and TV .......... ............; ......;over $..0,000 in
........... .............;......;.....; The ......... runs from ..... ........ .00. to ..
.010 when a U.S......; ......;....... .............;.....; ...... the ...... .........; ......;.................;.
......., the U.S.A. ......... .........; ......;...... one .........;.....; ....... .......;..... and co
............ ........ to a new .............; ......; ......; and ....... on as .......
.. ....... ...........
......... the ....... ....... the case .........; ...... ...... ...... ........ .....
....... on 1.
.....;June .011......; The ...... was ............;.....; A ......... of ...... was
............; An ....... note was ....... by ..
.....;June, ....... ........ by .1
.....;July any
....... U.S. ........ by .
.....;......... with a ...... ....... on 1.
.....;......... .011.
The case then came ...... me for the full ........... ....... on .
.....;........ .....
......... part ..... ..... ..
.....;........ .011 and then to ..... for this .......
.. .....;.....;.....; ..................
Mr Ben ...... for ....... .......;..... ....... ..... .......... ...............; to an .....
for .................; ............; that this ....... .......; not an ........... .......(s) per
S...(.)(b) Ex Act .........; i.e. the .......... do not meet the dual ...........
........... of the ....... ....., if ..............; in this ............, an .......(s) here
as well as in the U.S.A ......; .............; that it ..... be ......;...... or ................; by ......
of ........; ....... of time from the ....... ........ to ......... for ..... ........; S... Ex Act
.00.......; ....... that it ..... .......; .....................; to ..... ........... and thus ......
his ....... . .........; (...... life) .......... ...... .......; ......... in the ..... ......
Act 1... and per S. ..(.) Ex Act .00. ......; A ........ ....., if I may so term it, on this
..... ......... is a .......... that if ........; .......(s) ...... to be .......... such
.......... take ..... in this ............, the so ...... ..... ...........; To all .....
....... I will ............;
.. .....;.....;.....; .....;.......... ............
Mr ...... ......... ......... he ...........; his .......... as I have .........
........... Mr John ..... for the U.S.A. ....... me to find in ...... of the
........... on all ..... ............ pr ........ ............ ......; For the .........
of ..... I do......; The ........ ......... have all been ...... in the ........ way and
are in ...........; ........ is ...........; The ....... .......; ......;to ..... ...........; for ........ (....... to
the dual ........... .........) ..... ..... in ...... of the ........ ....... 1.
...... ............ (see S.1.. (.))......; The ........... ....... the ..........
....... in this ............ ....... . ..... ........ .......; S.10. (.A) ........., .......
and ....... Act 1.........; ..... is no ....... the U.S......; ....... .......... the ........
.......... of US ....... (........) law......; Th e U.S.A. is a ........ . ......... in Part .
Ex Act .00. ..... one (of many) ............. that do not have to ....... ......; .....
..........; case ..... ......; ......;................;.....; ......... by the ......... of ...........; I ....... the U.S.
......... ..... to ....... that any extr ....... ............; ....... a ........ that
......;........ ...........; ...... ............, a ....... very akin to ......; ..... ..........; case
........ not for ........ here.
.. .....;.....;.....; ..........
For ............ I set out the ................; ....... in the ....... ....... from the
......... of John M. Reh ....., ..... ..... t .010, a ....... ......... U.S. ........
in the U.S. ..............;s ...... for the ........ ........ .......; New York, ..... on ..
........ .011 in New York.
..........; ......;....... of the ..... of the ..........; .......... .-.:
.. .....;.....;.....; .....; Many ........ ........ in the ....... ............ of ...................
....... over the ........ ..... ............; into two .......:.....; ......;.............; ........
and ......;.................; ..............; ......;.............; ........ ......... ....... and
....... ..... to ..... on ..... ..... ........ that ....... ....... ...... of
........... ......., ......... ...... , .......... ........ and ......
....... ........ ........ ..... ..... by ..... ..... or ....., ..... .....
ways, to make them ...... ................; ..... ...... ..... on a link to .....
the ....... of ................; or ......... to ..... own ........ an .......
copy of a ....., .......... .............; or ..... file from the ..... .....
.............; The ..... ..... ........ on wh ich the ....... ...... of ...... and
.......... ........ are ...... ........; ..... ........... or ......... are
......... ........ to as ......;.................; ..............; ........... ........
...... ..... to ...... .......... co ..... and ..... ....... .............
data ........... that ..... ..... to ........ or ...... that .......
.......... ........
.. .....;.....;.....; .....; ......... in or ..... ........ .00., .......;....., a ....... of the ......
....... who ....... in the ...... Ki ....., ..... and ........ a .......
....... that ....... to the ...... free ........... ...... ......... of
......... of ........... ...... and .......... ........, .......
............. from the ......... .............; The ........ ....... was .....; ........; ............; was ...... on a ........ ........
the ........ ........ (......;........;) addr ess .........., ..... was ....... at an
........ ....... ........ (......;.........;).....; in the .................;
......... ..... to ..... ..... ........ that ...... ...... nds of ...... and
.......... ........ from ..... ........... ..... run and ..... ...... and
.......... ........ ..... be ......... d or ..............; For ......., on
June 1., .010, at ............. 1... pm , .................;s ........ ......
..... ...... as the ......;Most ....... ...... ...........;, all of ..... were
......... for ........... or ......... ............;; Each of
them had been ...... ......... or tens of ......... of ..... by
........... .......... the ....., ......... the ...... ............; As of that
date, all ..... ...... were ....... .......; the ........, all .........; ..........., and
the ......... ....... had not .......... the ...... for ..... .....
............ over the ........ by or any ..... ........
.. .....;.....;.....; .....; When a user ....... on a ..... or .......... show ..... on the
......., the user was ........ to a ........... from ..... the ..... or
.......... ....... ..... be dow ....... or ..............; ..... the ....... ........ ..... to more than one ........... to
........ the ....... that a user co uld ........ ........ or ...... the
....... that they have ..............; .......; a ......;Site News and ...................;
....... of the ......., ........ ..... ..... 1. .010, May .
.010 and May . .010, ......... .........; ......... ..... from
....... ........... ........, ...... ........;,.....; ................; and
.. .....;.....;.....; .....; also .......... its ..... to add ..... to .......... .............;.....; A
step by step ..... ...... ......;How to A dd a Link to .............; was ........ in a
....... of the site ...... ......;Site Help Rule .......;......; The ..... .......... ..... that
......;only full ...... and full TV ........ are ..............;......; The ....... did not
...... ........ or ........... .........
.. .....;.....;.....; .....; ....... the ......;.........; or ......;.......... ..... ...............; ....... of the ....... ......... an ............ to ..... who ..........
..... ...... ........... or ..............; ....... from a ....... ...........
....... ...... to; ............,.....; ........ its .....
..... the ...... of ..... that they .........; ...... by ....... the ...... and
.......... ........ via ........; ................; .............; In .........., ........ its .....: ......;.........;re ...... ..... a lot of .....
(.......... when ....... ....... ...... .......; the ....... or ....... ........) by
...... to wait a ...... bit of ..........; to ...... .......... ....... ....... the
Mr Reh ..... with the .......... of U.S. law and the .......... ....... ....... to
this .............; He ...... (@ para ..).....; ......;over $..0.000 in ..............; from ...........
has been ................; ............ ....... .......;..... was ...... ....... I.S.P.
......... and .......... as ...... in ........, ............ and a ......... ......
.......... ....... .............; ......;..... ........ ........... and ........... ...........;
(see para .0)......; The ......... ...... (@ para 11) ......;.......;..... did not ...... ..... of to ........ or ...... .............;.....; ....... he ...... ..... from
....... .............. on ....... ........ of the .............; The more
....... or .......... ....... a ....... is, the ...... the ........... fee it can
.............; ......... .......;, an or .......... that rank s ....... ..........
..... on ......... of ......, as of on or ..... June .., .010, was the
.....;most ....... ....... in the ..... and the 1.1.
.....;in the ...... ............;.
......... ....... of the ........ ...... name on ..
.....;June .........; ......;...... one day
.......;..... and one of his co ...................; .......... a new ...... name, to ..... was ...........; on a ...... ....... at an ISP ......
in ....... or the ............ .......;..........; and the co ...... ..... knew that had been ...........; by law ........... ........... in the ...... .......
...............; ......... to ..... .......... d ...... and .......... ........ .....
the new ...... name ....... ............. from the ......... ..............;Also
...... on the ........ of this new ....... was the .......... of a rap .....
..... and the ..... of one .......; ..... ..... ......;F*ck the ............;.....; (see para 1.)......;
on ..
.....;....... .010 ...... as ..00
.....;most ....... ....... in the
U.S.A......; and ..00
.....;in the ..... .........; ......;..............;.....; to ..... from 10,..0 per
..... at the end of June .010 to 1..,.00 by ......... .010 (see para 1.).
On ..
.....;........ .010 City of ...... ...........; ........ ....... .......;....., .......
two ...............; In ........., ...... on .......; the U.S. ......., he is said to have
........ ...... and ......;....... ............. ......;1.,000 per
...........; from ...... .............. ...... on ..... ...........; He also said that
...............; was not ......... as much ....... as, but was ......;......
.......... its ................;.....; (see para 1.).
In ......., ........., it is ..... the U.S......; ....... .......... ....... .......;..... as
........., ..... .......... in the U.K., ........; ....... ...... ........... sums from
....... in the U.S.A. from ..............,.....;.....; ........ ........ (....... how is said to
be ....... to this .......) ..... (......).....; and T.V. .......... to be .......... in
...... of U.S. ......... law.
.. .......... .........
The ....... have ...... a ................; ...... of ......... upon the ........... and
the ...........; This ........ ........ stat ...... from ....... .......;..... ......., both
......., his ...... and ..... .......; ......... ...... ................;.....; All has been ...........
The ...... .........., if I may so term them, ...... ..... ........ ..............
....... at the ........ of ....... .......;..........; ..... .........., ..... ..... for him and
......... ............ in ........ the U.S.A......; ......... an ........... ...........; Dr .....
.......;..... is a ....... ....... ............ and .............;s ............; He says (.........
.....;....... .011) ......;I ..... ..... ..... .............;s emot ..... ...... if he was ......
to go to the U.S.A. as he is a ..........; ............., vuln ...... .................;......; .......
.......;...........;s ......... of 1.
.....;....... .011 says ......;I am not ...... of ..... .............; I
have not .......... ....., ............. or .......... onto my ............;......; He
......... ....... ......;...... ....... like the ...... ...... .............; (it).......;. ........
..... ....... the use of ........ to ...............; at no ..... was ..... any ..........
........, such as ...... or .......... on my ............; It just ........ ..... to .....
........ by ......... the ..........;......;.....; ........... ..... a ...... ........ in ........
........... at ......... ...... .......... (......... 11
.....;....... .011) says of his
....... ......;If ....... is to ....... his ......... then it is ..... that he ......... his
....... ......... year and that he ....... to .......... .......; the next ........ year to
........ his ............;......; I have also .......... an ......... ..... ..
.....;...... .011
from a ....... ........ ...... ...... w ho ......... law in New York ..... and has
done ..... 1.........; His ........., ..... runs to .. ....., ......... bail ......, pre .....
........... ........; ......;......... ..............;.....; ..... and the ......;...... of any post ..........
and post .......... ........... Mr .......;..... ..... be ....... to in the U.S. .......
...... ............;......; In his ....... ......;if ......... on both ............; ........ ......;..... be
....... to a ....... 1.0 ...... ..................;.....; (see para ..) ........ ..........
and ..... U.S. .......... law and ..............; ......... is made (para ..) to the fact
...... was ......... in the U.S. ....... ........ ....... ...... in 1... .......
......;....... .......... ..... ..% of ..... ...............;.....; ..... ..... to ............ and
all the .......... ...... .............; ...............; He ........ ..... ........; ......;............
............ for ECHR ....... .......;.....; (para ..)......; ............ some ........ ....... to
.......... that ..... is said to have ........ have been ........ and ..............; I
...... ..........; all of that ........ has been ...............; ......, in my ........., the
......... ...... ...... this , an ..........., ..... ........ ld ...... to some .......
of the ........ is ........... more .................; By way of (.........) .......
....... the ............;s ......... ....... ...........; sway the ..... but is only ........ to a
....... .......... of ....... . ......; ...... life ......; ....................; ......... .......
.......;...........;s ...... of ..... ..... is not for th is, an ........... not ....., ..... to
......... any more than if the U.S. ..... .......... a U.K. ........
.. ........... ......; ............ ............
S........; (.)(b).....; Ex Act .00. ........ this ..... to be ......... the ....... ........ if
......... in the U.K. ..... be an ....... ....... the ........ law......; ............
S.1.. (.) (b ) ........:
......;the ....... ..... .......... an ....... ..... the law of the ........ part of the
...... ....... .......... with ............ for a term of 1. ...... or a
....... ................;.
Mr ..... ........ the ........... ....... ..... be one ........ .......; 10.(.A)
........., ....... and ....... Act 1...:
......;A ...... who ......... ......... in a work by ............. the work in ......
(a).....; in the ...... of ........, or
(b).....; ......... than in the ...... of .............; but to such an ...... as to ......
............. the ..... of the ......... ....... an ....... if he ..... or
has ...... to ....... that, by ..... so he is .......... ......... in that
The .......... ..........; .......... ........ (E.C. Di .......) ........... .00.
(S.I......; .00. No .01.) ........ .......; .......... 1. (...........; ......;mere .............; ) .........
from ......;any ........ ..............; ...... who does ........; ......;..............;.....; a ............ does
........; ......;the ..............;.....; .......; ......;or ...... the ........... ......... in the
..................; ......; The only ........ ........ in this ju .......... is a ..... ........ case.
R v Rock & ............; at the ..... ..... in .......... (.........) ....... by His
...... ..... ......... on .
.....;........ .010 and ........ to me in the form of a ..
page copy of the ....... ...........;s ............; ......; .......... for ......... of ....... ......
........ .......; S.10. (.A) was ...... and (......... ........ from Lord ....... in R
v .......... & ..............; [.00.] UKHL ..1) the ..... di d not seek to ...... the
..... of .......... to .............; The ....... ..... ..... the Reg. 1. ....... ........
..... both ....... ........... some ........... if Rock & ....... has any
....... ...... in ..... ........... it is ....... .......... and ........... on the
........... of S.10. (.A)......; I also ............; the ........ was not ..... on ...... by the
...........; I have also ........; ..... the .......... case ......... ..... ......... Pty Ltd v
...... [.00.] FCA ... ..... the ......... .......; ........., J in the ....... ..... of
......... ..... by HHJ ...............; ..... ......... are most .............; I say now,
......., that I am not ........, ....... Mr ............;s ..... ....... of the ....., by a
BBC ..... ...... ..... ..
.....;........ .011 ......... ......;no ..............; ..... ....... at
the ..... ..... in ....... ......... Me ssrs ....... and ...... dge as ..........
....... ............ .......; ......;........ ...........; as ..... a ....... aid to .......... this
area of the law......; An .......... ...... from ........; ..... ..............; (.......) .........; ......;A
CPS ........... said the ..... ........... ....... ....... th e ..... ..... that
it is ....... ......... nor ........... to con ..... to ...... this ...... in a ........
...........;......; Mr ...... ...... the CPS as a body must be ..... to ....... no .......
............; Not only is a ..... ......, ............; ......... the ......, of ....... ..... but
no such view can ........ be ........ from the ......... just ...........; More ......
must be ..... to ............ from the ..........; ...... as to the gene ral ............ of
that ..... can ...... ...... ......... evid ence in a .......... ..... of law .....
..... ...... a High ..... ..... ....... in such ................ ....... ...... than a
jury......; ......., wise ...... such ...............; ....... are, .......... has made .......
..... to be ........ to S.10. (.A) ..............; No ..... can ...... the .........
.............; The ..... is ....... the ............; ........ ....... ..... foul of S.10. (.A)
not, as I fear Mr ...... was ......, that .......; ....... in law ........ ............; It does
..... ...... or ..... S.10. (. A) is ....... or .........
I am ........ to both ....... ............; for ..... ........ and .......... .......
........... as well as oral ..............;.....; ......., I hope, ........... the .......
........... come to a ............. ..... w .............; Mr ...... ...... ....... in
the ....... ....... ....... to ......; ..... for ...... ....... .......;..... ......;made ...............;
......... ........ that came from remo te ........ not the two ...... .....
........ by ....... .......;...........; ........ is ...... on HHJ ...............;s ........ of
.........,.......;s ........ in the .......... case .......; ...... ...........; At para .. HHJ
......... ..........; ......;no .......... were ........ ...... on the ...............;s .............;
and that, ........ ........., .......;s ..........; ......;it is the ...... ........ ..... make
......... the ..... ................;, ..... his ............;s ......... of ........; ......;mere
.............;.....; .............; Mr ..... ....... shor t ......; ....... only just ......; of ....... Rock &
....... is ....... ....... ........ he ....... it is ...... .................; ....... he
.............; S.10. (.A) is ........ .......... of ....... .......;...........;s ....... ..... can
be ............. .........; Rock & ....... ......; ....... .........; ....... ........ were ........
in the ..... of ....... .......;..... and his .......; ............ ......... ..... ....... to
sign up to ....... and be ...... ...... goi ng .............; ........ he ......, ......
Rock & ......., ..... was no ....... to ............; ........., he, ....... .......;.....,
knew ......... were ....... to ......... and ........ ....... ....... ..... ....... in
June .010 to ..........;; ........... Mr ..... ...... (@ para 1. of his
....... ........... of .1
.....;....... .011).....; ......;.......;..... ..... not be able to .....
....... of the ......;mere .............; ....... .......... in .......... 1. ....... he was
.......... ........ in ........ who was ....... to post ..... on the .......
........, ..... ..... ..... be .............;......; (etc) & ( para 1. .........) ......;.......; a .....
....... of the ...... ......;make ...............; .......; this ....... ..... ..... .......;..... ......;made
......... ........... ..............; ......; HHJ ......... (@ para .1) .......; Rock & ............; held
......;make ......... ...... bear its ........ and ....... .............;......; He .............
....... ......... ..........; ......;........ ........; ....... as ....... .......; a ......... ....... who
........; ......;...........; ....... to a bank ....... the bank ..... ......;..... ......... the ...........;.
I have ........... to ..... ..... ...........; ..................; The ........ of how as a
...... of .......... ......... (if I ........; term it) the ....... ........ ........
........ ...... HHJ ...............;s ................; ..................; To my mind ..... is much
in the ........... ........., ...... ........... ..... ....... are ........... of
....... ..... a ..... ..... ..... can ....... ......; that Mr ..... ........ ....... the
....... ...... ........; Rock & ....... ......; I also have in mind the ........ .......... had
in mind......; ........... in my ......... ......; am ......... the ....... ....... in the
....... ....... ..... the dual ........... test and ..... be an ....... in this
.. ....... of Time.
S........; Ex Act .........; ........ this ..... to ...... rge a ....... if it ..... .......; ......;...... or
................;.....; due to the ....... of time from the al ..... ....... to ..... ............
Mr ...... ......... that ....... .......;..... ...... been ar ...... by City of ......
...... on ..
.....;......... .010 and ........... ......, if ..... be a case, have been
....... and .......... in this ..................; ....... the U.S. ........... ...... in part
on the ........ ........ ......... that ar rest......; Upon ......... ...... bail on ..
May .011 at Snow Hill ...... ....... in the City of ...... was ......;..............; from the
U.K......; ....... and duly ........ in ..... ........... ............
At para ..1 (....... ........... 1. .......; ........ .011) the ........ is put as .......:
......;.......; he is .......... by the ...... of ........; ........... in the ..........; ...........; It is
.......... that the U.S. has ....... his ........... in ..... to ...... ........ from
........... ........., such as to ...........; an ....... ....... ..... at ...........; The
......... ..... have lost any ....... he mi ght have ...... if he was in a ........ to
......... with the ........... .............;.....; ....... ......... ....... from the ....... of
........ from ........... a ....... who has been ....... .......... (of ........
........... ..........) to ......... an .............;.
Mr ...... ...... it is ......;................; due .......; ......;the ........ ...........; by the US ...........
..... the .......... .......... to his .......... ......... if ...........
I have ........ in mind the case law in ...............; ..... & ....... v ..........
of ........ & ...... [.00.] UKHL .1......; The ..... .......; ..... ........ ...... .....
had to ........ the ....... of the ....... and .........; ......;........, a .............
...... ..... ........... of an ..... for ..........., is not ............;.....; (see para
.1)......; The test is ......;..... it be ...... or .......... to ...............; (@ para ..)
........... fair ..........; ......;.......;the ........... ...... be that ....... will be done .......
the ....... of time and the ...... ...... be on the ....... to ......... the
........ ......; (@ para ..)
The ........ of a ....... ........ ..... for ...... (........, as they are, ........
..... the ........ be ......) is ......... ..............; That ..... ...... in any .......
land is, ......., even more ..............; Howe ver, ........... of ..... ...... ........
....... is ........, in part at ....., to ...... (.......) ....... of ..... and the .....
...... .......... in ........ ....... is no ........ by ........ .............; The .......
.......... are ...............; The ........ is al l ...............; ....... in the ...........
or ....... ........ in ..... of ........ or ....... ............ .......... ...... and
does not mean a fair ..... is ....... deni ed......; I can find no ....... ..... for ....... a
fair ....., with all ........... ..... ....... rds, ...... take ..... in the ....... case.
........... I ...... the ......... ........ to S... Ex Act .00.......;
.. ..... .............. .......: S... (.) Ex Act.
An ........... ....... must be ........ ed if any .......... ...... ...... not
........... to the ...........;s sa ................; I ......... .........; ....... set out as to the
............ ........, the law of ........... ......., ....... from an ..... for
............ ........, ......, ............; and ...................... ....... are
.......... ........., ....... es with ...... ....... pros pect of ...... .......
........... of ..... ...... ........ ..... ce also, as just ......, ...... be .......
........ by a ...... ....... or ..... .......; ....... ............ .......... so in the
...... ..... with ease of ........ not only of ....... and ........ ........ but
via all ...... of web ..... ........... ....... .......;..... is ..... ......; .. ..... ......; and
........ on a ...... ...... with his ......... ...... and ...... ....... near or
.......... near in and ...........; his part of .............; .......; ...... ...... ..... in the
U.S.A......; ......;..... ...... him to ..... .......; an ............. ..... and be
......................; (@ para ..1 ......; ........... 1.
.....;........ .011)......; He ........ a
......... of ........ . & .......; ........ .......; ...... on ............ on ....... . in
.......... & ...... v U.S.A. [.00.] . W.L.R. ... ........ ........... was, I
note, ....... in that case......; The high ..... for the ....... in .......... is Laws,
LJ @ para 1.1:
......;I do not ...... (the U.S.) .......... .........; the ........... of ..... in the ......
....... is ....... ................; ..........; ..... be an ........ in ..... such a
........... ..... tip the ....... of ......... in ...... of a .......... that a
...............;s ........... ..... ...... .......; a ................ ............ with his
....... . .............;
Such a ....... ..... not lead to a U.K. ..... but a ......... ....... ....... . is
..............; I ............ ....... ....... Kay, LJ .......; .......... v USA [.00.]
EWHC 1... ..............; ...............; ..... and ...... .......... ..... ..... ......;a
...... ...... for ............. on an ........... ..............; what it does not and
..... not do is ..... any ........... .......; give any ..... in ........ to a ..........
case......; I do not ........ that it ..... any new ..... on what we have to ............; (@
para ..)......; Very ........ .................; do come from Lord ........, PSC in ...... v
........; [.010] UKSC . (@ para ..) ............ of such ...... l .............. ......
........., as ........; ..........; .......; ...... does, the ........... circ ......... in ..... .......
. will lead to a ......... of an ......... ......... ...... ........... ........ His
........ .........; ......;........... ........... ...... not ...... the ........ for a ......
..... the most .......... ..... for ........ ..................;...... the .....
....... the .......... that the ...... ........; ...... ........ he ...... not ..... into
any ....... as to the ........... of ........... in this ..............;.....;.....; I am well ..... of
HM ........ .............;s .......... on USA ........... ........ and- ........ by the
........ ..... ....... by .............; in ....... to ....... an ........... ............
in a ..... ...... .............. ...... the E.U.
Mr ..... ...... any ....... ./. ..... .......; ......;................;......;.....; He ....... ..... is no
........ that any ........... ......... in the U.K. has any ......... or wish to
...... ....... .......;......
.....; ........ to .......; ............;s ....... ........... he ........; not
been ....... in the U.K. but was on ..... e bail......; ........ .......; ...... on the fact S...A
Ex Act .00. has not been ....... into ..... .................... ............. of a
..... ......... ........; ........... ...... ..... (.011) have ........... .......
....................; In any ..... such is for .......... and Mr ............;s .........
....... . ........ is ...... ..... on S...A ..... in ....., ..... it is not.
I ...... Mr ............;s .......... vi deo link .......... and the .........; ........... ......
....... a ........ case in the U.K., cal ling US ......... via ..... link and
............ all ........ evid ence ....., in theo ry, be ....... for ...................; The
..... ......... ....... ........ ............. in such ..... from ..... . in this
........ ........ to ........; ..... (............. ...........) Act .00.. None of that
..... I ...... ......... this .............; ..... are said to be ...... ............ of
........ ........ by ....... .......;..... in the U.S.A. ...... by him ..... ....... the
..... of .............; Such a stat e of ....... does not ...... a ..... here if the .........
U.K......; ........... ....... to act and does,.....; in my ........., ...... one in the U.S.A.
10......; .......... .
This has ........... been a ....... ...... ..... the ......... and ........ put
.............; A ............. ......... of all ..... rs is the ......... ........ of any ...........;
I ........... the .......... of .........; ....... .............; I ...... ..........; all ....... have
been .......... even if not ........ upon or ..... ........ here......; That said, for the
....... ....., I ...... all .......... adva nced to this ........ No bars or .....
......... ..... ...... or ..... I send the case to the ......... of ..........; (for her
............. of the ......... ........) ........ .......; ....... ..(.) Ex Act .00..
....... .......;..... has the ..... to ...... an ...... to the High ..... so long as it is
......... in time and in ...... form ( s 10. Ex Act .00. ) but ...... be ..... .....
..... the ......... of ..... has ......... an ..... for .................;

16.01.2012 Spataro

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