Osservatorio sul diritto e telecomunicazioni informatiche, a cura del dott. V. Spataro dal 1999, 9334 documenti.

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Domini 28.04.2006    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Prima decisione sui domini .eu *

The Complainant challenges the assignment of the eu.domain name PST to PST Business Solutions B.V. for understanding that he enjoys preferential right to be assigned that domain name, base don the arguments below.



Complainant The Complainant maintains that (i) he has older rights to the name PST in dispute, for being owner of the registered trademark since 01-08-2000 (publication date) deposited at the Benelux Merkenbureau; (ii) the trademark presented by Solutions has been acquired in a speed procedure base on a subsection `word’ trademark and is not legitimate as it is still subject to an appeal, while PST filed an opposition against the requested trademark.

Sembra una decisione un pò burocratica, ma efficace. La richiesta è proceduralmente corretta, quindi da mantenere.

"1. Taking into consideration the provisions of articles 10.1 and 10.2 of the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 874/2004 of 28th April 2004; article 12.3 of the same Regulation; article 14 of the same Regulation, according to the documentation filed with the Case File it is inferred that PST Business Solutions VV is owner of the trademark registered b the Benelux Trademarks Office “PST” nº 0779280, with publication date 01-01-2006; 2. Bearing in mind that although the Complainant has filed an opposition against the aforementioned trademark, according to the documentation filed by EURid such an opposition has finalized, without any statement that the trademark has been rejected; 4. Bearing in mind that PST Business Solutions has applied for the domain name on December 7, 2005 at 11:01:21.274 h. and Peripheral Systems Technology B.V. has applied for it on December 7, 2005 at 1:07:59.072 hr.; 4. Bearing in mind that the Registry shall register the domain name on the first come, first served basis, as per article 14 of the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 874/2004; 5. Bearing in mind that it is not realized that the Decision made by the Registry conflicts with the European Union Regulations (ADR Rules B (1) 11. d. (1) 2.), I decide to reject the claim and confirm the decision made by the Registry."

28.04.2006 Spataro

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