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Google 09.03.2006    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Google: transazione sugli invalid clicks

Il colosso decide di pagare per una truffa dalla quale certo ha avuto qualche guadagno, ma soprattutto e' stata truffata.



I concorrenti cliccavano le pubblicità per far spendere di più ai concorrenti. Google ha preso le contromisure da tempo:

"We have said for some time that we believe we manage the problem of invalid clicks very well. We have a large team of expert engineers and analysts devoted to it. By far, most invalid clicks are caught by our automatic filters and discarded *before* they reach an advertiser’s bill. And for the clicks that are not caught in advance, advertisers can notify Google and ask for reimbursement. We investigate those clicks, and if we determine they were invalid, we reimburse advertisers for them. We will continue to do that, and believe that this settlement is further proof of our willingness to work together with advertisers to reimburse invalid clicks."

09.03.2006 Spataro

Google Consent Mode v2
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