"MasterCard said its investigation found that CardSystems, in violation of MasterCard's rules, was storing cardholders' account numbers and security codes on its computer systems. That information, MasterCard said, was supposed to be transferred to the bank handling the merchants' transactions but not retained by CardSystems"
Mi viene in mente quando spiegavo la scelta di accettare pagamenti con carta di credito SOLO via fax: anche se le transazioni sono sicure, i database sono sempre li'.
Il 10% di utenti stranieri sarebbero coinvolti, il 90% americani.
L'unica certezza è che le carte ormai sono identificate, e probabilmente non utilizzabili per acquisti.
Ma negli Usa non si pensa che le Carte di Credito siano state sospese: si parla di crack finanziario. "MasterCard said an unauthorized person was able to exploit the security vulnerability and gain access to CardSystems' network, exposing cardholders' names, account numbers and expiration dates as well as the security code, typically three or four digits also printed on the credit card. "
Al link indicato ed anche qui: http://www.emergentchaos.com/archives/001407.html