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- 21.03.2005    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Nella patria della Privacy elenco dei molestatori on line

Forse troppo. Pero' fa riflettere.



Welcome to the California Department of Justice's Internet web site, which lists designated registered sex offenders in California.

As a result of a new law, this site will provide you with access to information on more than 63,000 persons required to register in California as sex offenders. Specific home addresses are displayed on more than 33,500 offenders in the California communities; as to these persons, the site displays the last registered address reported by the offender. An additional 30,500 offenders are included on the site with listing by ZIP Code, city, and county. Information on approximately 22,000 other offenders is not included on this site, but is known to law enforcement personnel.

Once you have read and acknowledged the disclaimer on the next page, you may search the database by a sex offender's specific name, obtain ZIP Code and city/county listings, obtain detailed personal profile information on each registrant, and use our map application to search your neighborhood or anywhere throughout the State to determine the specific location of any of those registrants on whom the law allows us to display a home address.

Not all sex offenders have been caught and convicted. Most sex offenses are committed by family, friends or acquaintances of the victim. Be sure to click on the links to the left for more information on How to Protect Yourself and Your Family, Facts about Sex Offenders, Frequently Asked Questions, and Sex Offender Registration Requirements in California.

This website indicates that many of these registrants are currently in violation of their registration requirements. Any information you may have on these individuals should be reported to your local law enforcement. Best Viewed Using: Screen resolution 1024 x 768 pixels or higher Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater Netscape 6.1 or greater

21.03.2005 Spataro

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