Osservatorio sul diritto e telecomunicazioni informatiche, a cura del dott. V. Spataro dal 1999, 9347 documenti.

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Microsoft: la licenza on line per l'uso dei componenti

Riporto a scopo di studio la licenza on line sull'uso dei componenti di office.
Valentino spataro

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""..... .........., ........., and ............ ...... Web ................ you ...... a Web page ... ...


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"..... .........., ........., and ............ ...... Web ................ you ...... a Web page ... ............, and ............ ...... Web ................ you ...... a Web page ..... ......... ...... Web .........., any user with an ...... XP ....... can ........ with the .......... in the ....... to the ..... of ............. you ........ That is, a user with an ........... ....... can make ....... to data in a ..........., ...... .........., drag ...... in a ..... or .......... List, and so on, as long as you didn't ....... ..... ....... at ...... time. ..... with an ...... XP ....... can also ......, ......, and ...... .......... in a ...... ........... such as ......... ......... or ......... .......

..... who do not have ...... XP ........ can view the .......... and the data in them, and can ..... the view of the .........., but they ...... ........ with the .......... or .......... them in a ...... ............ This ..... that if you .......... a Web page that uses .........., ..... who have ...... XP ........ will have ...... to all ............. ........, but ..... ....... a ....... can only view the data and ........... you've .........

....... on ......... and .............

...... XP ......... on ........ ..... have full ............. and ............. with .........., ......... ........ and ........... .............

...... XP ........... ......... on ........ ..... can ........ with the ......... in ...... mode in that ........... only (not in the ....... or in ..... ............).

...... XP site ....... (user .....'t have ...... XP ......... on ........, but user's ............ has an .......... or site ....... .........) ..... have full ............. and ............. with .........., ......... ........ and ........... ............. ......., the Web page ........ must ....... a ........ from ..... .......... can be .........., and must ......... the site ....... in a ....... ....... file (.lpk) that is .......... with one or more Web ...... You use the ....... ....... ......... Tool to ...... an ........... ....... file for ...... For more ..........., see MSDN .......

No ...... XP, ...... XP ............, or site ........ ..... can view and ..... the .......... in ......... mode, but they ...... ........ with the .......... or use the ...... .............


......... ...... Web .......... are ......... with ......... ...... XP and ......... ...... ............, or they can be ......... .......... from an ............ ..... ........ by the Web page .........

.... you .......... a Web page that uses .........., ..... who do not have the .......... ......... will be ........ to ....... the .........., ........ the Web page ........ .......... the .......... to do so. The Web page ........ must also ....... an ............ ..... for the .......... and a ....... to that ........ on the ......... ............ page. For more ..........., see the ......... ...... XP ........ Kit.

.... the ...... Web .......... are ........., ..... who have ...... to an ...... XP ....... will be able to ........ with and make ....... to the ........... ..... ....... ........ will be able to view and ..... the .......... and the data in them, but they ...... ........ with or make ....... to them. "

21.06.2001 Valentino spataro

Sviluppi software e hanno violato un tuo cliente ? Ecco cosa devi fare subito
Garante provvedimento per cartelle inviate a pazienti sbagliati e integrazione software - n. 9988652
Cassazione su criptofonini e piattaforme criptate
PagoPa, ex Governo, cede l'It-Wallet a IPZS senza dover rispettare le regole sulla trasparenza del software
EDPB launches website auditing tool
Usare i servizi online per mettere al centro i clienti
Provvedimento del 7 dicembre 2023 [9962283] durata e tecniche per i software che gestiscono password linee guida
Gps hackerati e i criteri per sviluppo in sicurezza di software per…
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