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Google stringe su Chrome: via i pagamenti paralleli e le estensioni anti ads

Ce lo si aspettava da tempo, e non si finisce qui.


Indice generato dai software di IusOnDemand
su studi di legal design e analisi testuali e statistiche

    style="margin-right:6px;margin-top:5px;float:left;color:white;background:khaki;border:1px solid darkkhaki;font-size:50px;line-height:40px;padding-top:2px;padding-right:5px;font-family:times;">F id="footnotes"> style='line-height: 150%; margin-right:15;align: justify'>

    Firefox o Chrome ?

    Sempre più Firefox, sia chiaro.

    Progetti come Vivaldi, Brave, Chromium, Ecosia e tanti altri si fondano sul core di Chromium, sovvenzionato da Google.

    Ora questo fulcro centrale toglierà la funzione che permette di bloccare le connessioni agli hub pubblicitari.

    Quindi tutte le estensioni saranno inutilizzabili.

    Ma già ora Google riduce la possibilità di avere sullo store "ufficiale" estensioni contrarie alle loro politiche.

    Al momento stanno facvendo man bassa di tutti coloro che chiedono soldi dall'estensione senza passare dai potenti mezzi di pagamento di Google. Questo è già iniziato su Play store per le app Android, che vengono rimosse.

    Ma anche per le estensioni. Ublock Origin, straordinaria estensione che blocca veramente il traffico pubblicitario, viene messa giù con una di quelle motivazioni che fanno riflettere.

    Usate Firefox.

    class="min-width-0"> class="d-flex text-bold f5"> href="">Dev build 1.22.5rc1 "REJECTED" from Chrome Web Store class="gh-header-number text-gray-light pl-1">#745 class="meta text-gray-light css-truncate css-truncate-target d-block width-fit"> href="" data-hovercard-z-index-override="111" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/hovercards?user_id=585534" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self">gorhill opened this issue 10 days ago · 21 comments class="js-enable-hovercard"> class="position-relative">
    class="sr-only">Comments class="d-flex "> class="col-9"> class="js-quote-selection-container" data-quote-markdown=".js-comment-body" data-issue-and-pr-hovercards-enabled="" data-team-hovercards-enabled=""> class="js-discussion js-socket-channel ml-6 pl-3" data-channel="marked-as-read:issue:503496432"> class="TimelineItem pt-0 js-comment-container js-socket-channel" data-gid="MDU6SXNzdWU1MDM0OTY0MzI=" data-url="/_render_node/MDU6SXNzdWU1MDM0OTY0MzI=/issues/body" data-channel="issue:503496432"> class="avatar-parent-child TimelineItem-avatar "> href="" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/hovercards?user_id=585534" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self"> class="avatar rounded-1" src="" border="0" alt="@gorhill" width="40" height="40" /> class="timeline-comment-group js-minimizable-comment-group js-targetable-comment TimelineItem-body my-0 "> class="ml-n3 timeline-comment unminimized-comment comment previewable-edit js-task-list-container js-comment timeline-comment--caret reorderable-task-lists " data-body-version="1b94d7db73511ece6ab34f8b0827ec46" data-unfurl-hide-url="/content_reference_attachments/hide" data-unfurl-authenticity-token="nMEHQhCUKRtwI6eO/Oz8ag0GcnuIXR+OIbse1fHDBwpVSS8+PoQTe0tMYjd3mPpwgTuggVy1BTa+mtaKfbzrJg=="> class="timeline-comment-header clearfix"> class="timeline-comment-actions js-timeline-comment-actions"> class="timeline-comment-header clearfix"> class="timeline-comment-actions js-timeline-comment-actions"> class="timeline-comment-label text-bold tooltipped tooltipped-multiline tooltipped-s"> Member class="timeline-comment-header-text f5 text-normal"> class="css-truncate expandable"> href="" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/hovercards?user_id=585534" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self">gorhill commented href="">10 days ago class="js-comment-edit-history"> class="edit-comment-hide js-edit-comment-hide"> class="d-block"> class="d-block"> class="d-block"> class="d-block comment-body markdown-body js-comment-body">

    Here is the email I received today at 8h33:

    Dear Developer, We routinely review items in the Chrome Web Store for compliance with our Program policies to ensure a safe and trusted experience for our users. Your Google Chrome item, "uBlock Origin development build", with ID: cgbcahbpdhpcegmbfconppldiemgcoii did not comply with our policies and was removed from the Google Chrome Web Store. Your item did not comply with the following section of our policy: An extension should have a single purpose that is clear to users. Do not create an extension that requires users to accept bundles of unrelated functionality, such as an email notifier and a news headline aggregator. If two pieces of functionality are clearly separate, they should be put into two different extensions, and users should have the ability to install and uninstall them separately. For example, an extension that provides a broad array of functionalities on the New Tab Page/ Start-up Page but also changes the default search are better delivered as separate extensions, so that users can select the services they want. For more information on the new Chrome extensions quality policy, please refer to the FAQ: href=""> If you’d like to re-submit it, please modify the item so that it complies with the policies, then re-publish it in your developer dashboard. Please reply to this email for issues regarding this item removal. *Please keep in mind that after you resubmit your item, it will not be immediately published live in the store. All re-submitted items undergo a strict compliance review and will be re-published only if the item passes that review. *Important Note Repeated or egregious violations of the policies may result in your developer account being banned from the store. This may also result in the suspension of related Google services associated with your Google account. All re-submitted items will continue to be subject to the Chrome Web store program policies and terms of service. Thank you for your cooperation, Chrome Web Store Team --------------------------- Developer Terms of Service: href=""> Program Policies: href=""> Branding Guidelines: href="">

    17.10.2019 Spataro

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