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Dizionario 27.01.2014    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Akoma Ntoso: cosa significa - dizionario

Uno standard per il diritto



Se si scrive un software oggi come oggi non si può fare a meno di un repository che gestisca le versioni, git con github per esempio. Gestisce anche la collaborazione di altri gruppi interni o esterni.

Ma per le leggi ?

Ogni Parlamento fa a proprio modo. In realtà si è sviluppato un software open source che rende trasparente e uniforme nel mondo il processo di scrittura delle leggi (per ora solo quelle).

Akoma Ntoso è supportato dal Brasile e dall'Italia, per ora. Ma piace a tantissimi che lo stanno usando e testando.

Il formato sembra difficile a prima vista.

Come comprenderlo ? Flavio Zeni in una lista internazionale ha inviato queste due righe, da non tecnico, molto interessanti, perchè io stesso le sto seguendo per il mondo dei contratti.


"As lay person, non technical one but one who "had" to try to explain the rationale of Akoma Ntoso, I was confronted with mainly the two issues below. Let me share with you my humble and not technical responses that has been distilled thanks many skeptical faces trials & errors, I hope they will help at least the less technical of us to make some more sense. *

Technical people were often stating: "Akoma Ntoso is complex, I just wanted a schema for e.g. a bill." *

My response was: Akoma Ntoso is not really complex is different. Yes, when you open the Akoma Ntoso box you may not find ready a bill schema, prefabricated for you. Akoma Ntoso is not, as we were used, a prefabricated schema for e.g. bills, debates etc. Akoma Ntoso is more like a Lego box full of building bricks. Yes you do not have the prefabricate house waiting for you, but ... if you only have the patience to learn how to put together the bricks ... you have all the "houses" that you wish. As with Lego and as Fabio explained well in the previous e-mail, it let you build very simple house with just four walls and a roof or elaborate castles. Akoma Ntoso can be as simple or as complex as you wish and as much intimidating as Lego box of bricks (I have no shares or financial ties with Lego

With time we tried to meet the demand for "just give me a bill schema" and Fabio developed a "schema generator <>". It needs to be updated with the new schema but the option is there and with the help of all, it can get better. If anybody wants to learn how to play with Akoma Ntoso Lego I would also advise to read Customizing Akoma Ntoso: modularization, restrictions, extensions<> a fairly plain English explanation of how to customise Akoma Ntoso. Lastly the Akoma Ntoso examples <>. Again they need to be update to the upcoming final release.

*Managers as well as technical people were often stating: "Our case is different. I do not think that a common standard can meet our own specific requirements".*

The misconception that standards are "straight-jacket" that limit the freedom of organisations/institutions is quite widespread. On the contrary "standards" are what make us free. Languages are "standards", English is a standard that has set of terms with more or less agreed meaning and a set of rules. It is thank to that "standard" that we can communicate. Akoma Ntoso is meant to make your documents "readable" (by machine) more widely, not just by your own organisation. As the "English standard" it does not tell you what story/novel to write, it just gives you the words (elements) and grammar (rules) to write the schema you need to fit you very own/specific/unique needs while at the same time allow all the English readers (machine who can interpret Akoma Ntoso) to fully enjoy your story (schema)."

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27.01.2014 Spataro

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