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Bill of right 15.04.2009    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Bill of rights is not only privacy or freedom of speech. It's also education

A common mistake is to think only to rights or duties. It's also education - photo courtesy of Spataro (grazie means thanks)


Indice generato dai software di IusOnDemand
su studi di legal design e analisi testuali e statistiche


Listen: can we talk about facebook's privacy if we don't know how Facebook works ?

Can we talk about freedom of speech in the net if we don't know how usenet, chats, twitter and forum work ?

I often listen projects to define bill of rights.

I never listen projects to educate to the use of net.

Can we talk about duties or rights sending an email or an instant messanging with skype if we don't know how they works ?

This is a crucial bridge.

Most problems comes from the missing knowledge of features. Terms of service doesn't help too much on this.

But first of all we must define a minimum common knowledge of web services.

In Italy we call them "uses", praxis, and they are collected locally by Camere di Commercio.

We can also talk about privacy and freedom of speech, but we will face with no doubt even on copyright issues.

So ?

Let us follow the following link, given by Scorza on his blog. It's interesting.

Does cyberspace is a unique space ? We are a nation ? We are netizens, we have our cyberculture, we have some institutions.

But, instead of police, we have antivirus and firewall, as cowboys had guns.

Just to think how is large the theme.

Remember Stavros Lambrindis.

15.04.2009 Spataro

Bill of rights: Quintarelli, Rodota', Pierani ... ma attenzione all'ordine.
Ancora internet senza regole ? E' il contrario !
Il diritto della rete e la relazione di Bobbio: quando il diritto non deve essere una scorciatoia
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Lessig: France's #3strikes proposed law was rejected
Lessig a Meet The Media Guru: date battaglia, difendete le libertà in internet, gli hacker Europei paladini e d'esempio per gli Usa
Parlamento Europeo: Rafforzamento della sicurezza e delle libertà fondamentali su Internet
Come il legislatore puo' strangolare internet: Lawrence Lessig a Ted 2007
Internet è un dono per l'umanità - Benedetto XVI

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