Stiamo parlando di:
Tutti / Copyright: ai artificia artificial intelligence associazione audio caffe20 chatgpt ciraolo civilenews copyright corso cultura diritto d'autore dpa english france gaito generativa immagini intelligenza artificiale legalgeek libri llm luxemburg manifesto mistral paper persone plugin privacy raffaele sound spider vischer voice webtos
Tutti / Copyright: ai artificia artificial intelligence associazione audio caffe20 chatgpt ciraolo civilenews copyright corso cultura diritto d'autore dpa english france gaito generativa immagini intelligenza artificiale legalgeek libri llm luxemburg manifesto mistral paper persone plugin privacy raffaele sound spider vischer voice webtos
· 2024-09-07 16:58:02
Crea Musica con le AI e la fa ascoltare dai Bot. Una frode da 12 milioni di dollari ai servizi di streaming
estimated reading time: 3 min Le autorità americane hanno accusato Michael Smith, 52 anni, di aver frodato i servizi di streaming per oltre 10 milioni di dollari. Si ritiene che Smith abbia utilizzato l’intelligenza artificiale per creare centinaia di migliaia di brani di band defunt
estimated reading time: 3 min Le autorità americane hanno accusato Michael Smith, 52 anni, di aver frodato i servizi di streaming per oltre 10 milioni di dollari. Si ritiene che Smith abbia utilizzato l’intelligenza artificiale per creare centinaia di migliaia di brani di band defunt
· 2024-08-21 08:37:05
Inside the copyright Office’s Report, “copyright and Artificial Intelligence, Part 1: Digital Replicas”
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
estimated reading time: < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
· 2024-08-21 07:16:16
ENTE NAZIONALE per l'INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E.N.I.A.® on LinkedIn: US copyrights office
estimated reading time: 1 min Ringraziamo Martin Ebers per l’evidenza della prima parte del rapporto del copyright Office sullo spigoloso tema del copyright e l'IA e quindi il tema delle repliche digitali. Dalle #performanc
estimated reading time: 1 min Ringraziamo Martin Ebers per l’evidenza della prima parte del rapporto del copyright Office sullo spigoloso tema del copyright e l'IA e quindi il tema delle repliche digitali. Dalle #performanc
· 2024-08-14 01:16:32
Anthropic: il diritto d'autore frena lo sviluppo di strumenti di GenAI AI4Business
estimated reading time: 2 min L’utilizzo di contenuti protetti da copyright nei dati di addestramento dei grandi modelli linguistici (LLM) rientra nel “fair use”. Lo ha sostenuto la società di intelligenza artificiale generativa (GenAI) Anthropic da
estimated reading time: 2 min L’utilizzo di contenuti protetti da copyright nei dati di addestramento dei grandi modelli linguistici (LLM) rientra nel “fair use”. Lo ha sostenuto la società di intelligenza artificiale generativa (GenAI) Anthropic da
· 2024-08-03 17:33:48
Legal terms and conditions
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
· 2024-07-30 17:33:54
L'intelligenza artificiale generativa nell’industria musicale: un’opportunità, ma con regole certe HuffPost Italia
estimated reading time: 4 min Gli investimenti di start-up di AI generativa nel settore musicale si fanno sempre più rilevanti e ogni giorno si susseguono annunci di nuovi strumenti per la creazione di contenuti discografici e video musicali che dovrebbero rendere sempre più semplice
estimated reading time: 4 min Gli investimenti di start-up di AI generativa nel settore musicale si fanno sempre più rilevanti e ogni giorno si susseguono annunci di nuovi strumenti per la creazione di contenuti discografici e video musicali che dovrebbero rendere sempre più semplice
· 2024-07-27 14:40:09
Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
· 2024-07-27 12:43:24
Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
· 2024-07-26 11:22:02
AI crawlers need to be more respectful Read the Docs
estimated reading time: 4 min In the last few months, we have noticed an increase in abusive site crawling, mainly from AI products and services. These products are recklessly crawling many sites across the web, and we've already had to block several sources of abusive traffic. It feels
estimated reading time: 4 min In the last few months, we have noticed an increase in abusive site crawling, mainly from AI products and services. These products are recklessly crawling many sites across the web, and we've already had to block several sources of abusive traffic. It feels
· 2024-07-16 13:02:44
Inferkit AI: Cheaper & Faster LLM router
estimated reading time: < 1 min You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.InferkitPlaygroundHomeTutorialPriceKeyLogLogin copyright © Inferkit AI Other ToolsPrivacyTerms
estimated reading time: < 1 min You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.InferkitPlaygroundHomeTutorialPriceKeyLogLogin copyright © Inferkit AI Other ToolsPrivacyTerms
· 2024-07-10 09:49:03
Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
estimated reading time: 121 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
· 2024-07-05 09:40:47
Part 17: What is inside an AI model and how it works VISCHER
estimated reading time: 43 min 7 May 2024If we want to apply the current rule of law to artificial intelligence, especially in the field of generative AI, then we need to understand what the AI models, which are the heart of an AI system, are all about. This understanding is crucial, fo
estimated reading time: 43 min 7 May 2024If we want to apply the current rule of law to artificial intelligence, especially in the field of generative AI, then we need to understand what the AI models, which are the heart of an AI system, are all about. This understanding is crucial, fo
· 2024-06-20 10:41:40
Click To Imagine — LRNZ
estimated reading time: 114 min Click to imagine. Ver. 0.2 aggiornata al 5/9/2022Disclaimer:Non ho assolutamente la pretesa di avere la verità in tasca, anzi, auspico di riuscire a capire qualcosa di più proprio grazie al confronto che questo testo potrebbe generare con i suoi lettori
estimated reading time: 114 min Click to imagine. Ver. 0.2 aggiornata al 5/9/2022Disclaimer:Non ho assolutamente la pretesa di avere la verità in tasca, anzi, auspico di riuscire a capire qualcosa di più proprio grazie al confronto che questo testo potrebbe generare con i suoi lettori
· 2024-05-29 11:16:17
Supertone Clear License Agreement – Supertone
estimated reading time: 3 min 7 months ago Updated Below are the terms for using our software on your computer. These terms of use are agreed to by the end user upon installing any Supertone software.The software that accompanies this license may be used by any party (including, witho
estimated reading time: 3 min 7 months ago Updated Below are the terms for using our software on your computer. These terms of use are agreed to by the end user upon installing any Supertone software.The software that accompanies this license may be used by any party (including, witho
· 2024-05-11 12:59:40
AI Act, il Parlamento europeo pubblica le correzioni del testo AI4Business
estimated reading time: 6 min Il Parlamento europeo ha diffuso, il 30 aprile 2024, la rettifica del testo della Legge sull’AI (AI Act) adottata 13 marzo. Il documento corregge il linguaggio dell’AI Act. Ad esempio, si veda il seguente chiarimento di Laura Caroli, Senior Policy Advis
estimated reading time: 6 min Il Parlamento europeo ha diffuso, il 30 aprile 2024, la rettifica del testo della Legge sull’AI (AI Act) adottata 13 marzo. Il documento corregge il linguaggio dell’AI Act. Ad esempio, si veda il seguente chiarimento di Laura Caroli, Senior Policy Advis
· 2024-04-24 09:02:10
Intelligenza artificiale, ecco cosa c’è nel Ddl del governo oggi in Cdm Il Sole 24 ORE
estimated reading time: 2 min Il disegno di legge del governo sull’Intelligenza artificiale è atteso sul tavolo del Consiglio dei min istri, che si riunirà nel pomeriggio di martedì 23 aprile. Il provvedimento, a quanto si è appreso, è all’ordine del giorno della riunione tecni
estimated reading time: 2 min Il disegno di legge del governo sull’Intelligenza artificiale è atteso sul tavolo del Consiglio dei min istri, che si riunirà nel pomeriggio di martedì 23 aprile. Il provvedimento, a quanto si è appreso, è all’ordine del giorno della riunione tecni
· 2024-04-20 17:58:40
AIVA End User License Agreement
estimated reading time: 8 min The following End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a contract between you (the "Licensee", the "User", ”you”) and AIVA Technologies Sarl (the "Licensor", "AIVA", “we”). By using our website and services, located at and
estimated reading time: 8 min The following End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a contract between you (the "Licensee", the "User", ”you”) and AIVA Technologies Sarl (the "Licensor", "AIVA", “we”). By using our website and services, located at and
· 2024-04-16 12:03:48
Terms of Service
estimated reading time: 6 min Last updated: February 22nd, 2024.Please read these Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Service”) carefully before using the website (the “Service”) operated by Perplexity AI (“us”, “we”, or “our”).Your access to a
estimated reading time: 6 min Last updated: February 22nd, 2024.Please read these Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Service”) carefully before using the website (the “Service”) operated by Perplexity AI (“us”, “we”, or “our”).Your access to a
· 2024-04-15 19:52:10
Legal terms and conditions | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands
estimated reading time: 115 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
estimated reading time: 115 min Terms and conditions for using Mistral products and services.PreambleWelcome to Mistral! Our platform provides access to Mistral AI’s artificial intelligence models tailored for text generation alongside with a range of complementary services (the “Se
· 2024-04-13 18:09:28
Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law | News | European Parliament
estimated reading time: 4 min On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation.The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523
estimated reading time: 4 min On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation.The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523
· 2024-03-22 19:29:28+01:00
Terms of Service Suno AI
estimated reading time: 37 min Date of Last Revision: January 27, 2024Acceptance of These Terms of ServiceSuno Inc. ("Suno," "we," "us," or "our") provides our services (described below) and related content to you through our website(s) located at (the "Site"), through
estimated reading time: 37 min Date of Last Revision: January 27, 2024Acceptance of These Terms of ServiceSuno Inc. ("Suno," "we," "us," or "our") provides our services (described below) and related content to you through our website(s) located at (the "Site"), through
· 2024-02-29 10:26:11+01:00
The Map is Eating the Territory: The Political Economy of AI
estimated reading time: 22 min Fair warning: this is a long essay. It lays out three apparently isolated observations. It then argues that they are all connected. Finally, it waves towards a broader way to think about the political economy of AI* by looking at the more specific relati
estimated reading time: 22 min Fair warning: this is a long essay. It lays out three apparently isolated observations. It then argues that they are all connected. Finally, it waves towards a broader way to think about the political economy of AI* by looking at the more specific relati
· 2024-02-24 10:18:44+01:00
Midjourney Terms of Service
estimated reading time: 13 min Article SummaryShare feedback Thanks for sharing your feedback!Version Effective Date: December 22, 2023Thank you for using the Midjourney platform (the “Services”). These Terms of Service (the “Agreement”) explain what rights you have with resp
estimated reading time: 13 min Article SummaryShare feedback Thanks for sharing your feedback!Version Effective Date: December 22, 2023Thank you for using the Midjourney platform (the “Services”). These Terms of Service (the “Agreement”) explain what rights you have with resp
· 2024-02-15 13:57:19+01:00
How to Cite ChatGPT and AI in APA Format
estimated reading time: 6 min Among its many uses, AI like ChatGPT can be a valuable research tool for papers and other academic writing. But if you’re using its information in a paper that follows APA or another citation style, you still have to cite it like any other source. However
estimated reading time: 6 min Among its many uses, AI like ChatGPT can be a valuable research tool for papers and other academic writing. But if you’re using its information in a paper that follows APA or another citation style, you still have to cite it like any other source. However
· 2024-02-10 01:27:30+01:00
Airia | Associazione Regolazione Intelligenza Artificiale
estimated reading time: 1 min Per una IA utile, sicura ed etica.Scopri08-10 FebbraioCANNESVieni a Trovarci alWorld AI Cannes Festival Partecipa al workshop che AIRIA organizza durante il festival.Maggiori InformazioniresumenPromuoviamo un dibattito informato volto alla regolazione dell
estimated reading time: 1 min Per una IA utile, sicura ed etica.Scopri08-10 FebbraioCANNESVieni a Trovarci alWorld AI Cannes Festival Partecipa al workshop che AIRIA organizza durante il festival.Maggiori InformazioniresumenPromuoviamo un dibattito informato volto alla regolazione dell
· 2024-02-01 10:50:12+01:00
Stable Diffusion prompt: a definitive guide Stable Diffusion Art
estimated reading time: 18 min Developing a process to build good prompts is the first step every Stable Diffusion user tackles. This article summarizes the process and techniques developed through experimentations and other users’ inputs. The goal is to write down all I know about pr
estimated reading time: 18 min Developing a process to build good prompts is the first step every Stable Diffusion user tackles. This article summarizes the process and techniques developed through experimentations and other users’ inputs. The goal is to write down all I know about pr
· 2024-01-31 20:09:12+01:00
Stable Diffusion Art Tutorials, prompts and resources
estimated reading time: < 1 min Tutorials What is CFG Scale in Stable Diffusion? The Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) scale controls how closely a prompt should be followed during sampling in Stable Diffusion. It is … « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 › » More Workflows Instant
estimated reading time: < 1 min Tutorials What is CFG Scale in Stable Diffusion? The Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) scale controls how closely a prompt should be followed during sampling in Stable Diffusion. It is … « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 › » More Workflows Instant
· 2024-01-24 15:53:02+01:00
Il Mulino Volumi GIUSELLA FINOCCHIARO, Intelligenza artificiale. Quali regole?
estimated reading time: 6 min
estimated reading time: 6 min
· 2024-01-24 04:10:59+01:00
Privacy and AI #10
estimated reading time: 17 min In this edition of Privacy and AI:PRIVACY• A fine for not conducting a DPIA• The legal basis for web scraping to train GenAI models• Transfer Impact Assessment (TIA)• Lack of security measures - encryption of hard drives• Guidance about the use o
estimated reading time: 17 min In this edition of Privacy and AI:PRIVACY• A fine for not conducting a DPIA• The legal basis for web scraping to train GenAI models• Transfer Impact Assessment (TIA)• Lack of security measures - encryption of hard drives• Guidance about the use o
· 2024-01-23 12:17:17+01:00
IA360: la mia academy sull'intelligenza artificiale Raffaele Gaito
estimated reading time: 7 min ACQUISTA ORAACQUISTA ORAL’intelligenza artificiale è senza dubbio una delle più grandi rivoluzioni della storia dell’uomo.Possiamo paragonare il suo impatto sul nostro lavoro e la nostra vita a poche altre cose: l’elettricità, il personal computer,
estimated reading time: 7 min ACQUISTA ORAACQUISTA ORAL’intelligenza artificiale è senza dubbio una delle più grandi rivoluzioni della storia dell’uomo.Possiamo paragonare il suo impatto sul nostro lavoro e la nostra vita a poche altre cose: l’elettricità, il personal computer,
Stiamo parlando di:
Tutti / Copyright: ai artificia artificial intelligence associazione audio caffe20 chatgpt ciraolo civilenews copyright corso cultura diritto d'autore dpa english france gaito generativa immagini intelligenza artificiale legalgeek libri llm luxemburg manifesto mistral paper persone plugin privacy raffaele sound spider vischer voice webtos
Tutti / Copyright: ai artificia artificial intelligence associazione audio caffe20 chatgpt ciraolo civilenews copyright corso cultura diritto d'autore dpa english france gaito generativa immagini intelligenza artificiale legalgeek libri llm luxemburg manifesto mistral paper persone plugin privacy raffaele sound spider vischer voice webtos
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