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· 2024-08-30 18:03:50 California's controversial AI bill is on the verge of becoming law
estimated reading time: 11 min AI California’s SB-1047 is on a path to the governor’s desk. Will it kill the AI boom?  Casey NewtonAug 15, 2024 — 9 min read The California State Capitol (Wikipedia) Great! Check your inbox and click the link. Sorry, something went wrong. Please t
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· 2024-01-09 12:20:18+01:00 These AI tools could help boost your academic research
estimated reading time: 5 min The future of academia is likely to be transformed by AI language models such as ChatGPT. Here are some other tools worth knowing about.ADVERTISEMENT"ChatGPT will redefine the future of academic research. But most academics don't know how to use it intellig
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· 2023-12-25 04:58:35+01:00 AI is about to completely change how you use computers
estimated reading time: 232 min Personal Information CancelSave This email is already registeredCancelSavePlease verify email address. Click verification link sent to this email address or resend verification email. CancelSave Account DeactivationClick the link below to begin the acco

"Art. 61 Obbligazioni nascenti dalla legge 1. La gestione di affari altrui, l'arricchimento senza causa, il pagamento dell'indebito e le altre obbligazioni legali, non diversamente regolate dalla presente legge, sono sottoposti alla legge dello Stato in cui si e' verificato il fatto da cui deriva l'obbligazione." - Legge 31 maggio 1995, n. 218

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