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Rassegna su fake e phishing. Chiedi

Store 2021-09-24
Come difendersi dalle recensioni false
Modello di contestazione, istruzioni d'uso e mappa per le strategie difensive
software open source fake caffe20 attrezzi 2021-09-18 Disinfo Cloud auf Twitter: "Together, @InVID EU & @WeVerify offer #opensource content verification tools (e.g. video analysis & image forensics) for journalists, fact checkers, government orgs, & others to analyze disinformation & narrative propagation on social networks.…"
< 1 min Meet the 8 finalists who have been invited to participate in the #USParisTechChallenge where they will present their solutions to the problem of #disinformation and #propaganda!

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast." (la cultura si mangia a colazione ogni strategia) - Peter Drucker

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