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"Porto' la giustizia che regge il mondo, se non ci fosse giustizia il mondo non reggerebbe" - epitaffio di Galeotto Malaspina, 1367


Naturale. Come un capello. Cina. Seta. Materiali. Usi. 1/3

Cosa si puo' fare con i capelli ? Ecco.
24.07.2014 - pag. 90230 print in pdf print on web

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Hair Highway is a contemporary take on the ancient Silk Road which transported not only silk but also technologies, aesthetics and ideas between East and West. Investigating the global hair industry in the Shandong province of China, Studio Swine followed the journey of the material from the people who sell their hair through to the hair merchants, markets and factories.

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24.07.2014 Spataro

Hair Highway

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"Porto' la giustizia che regge il mondo, se non ci fosse giustizia il mondo non reggerebbe" - epitaffio di Galeotto Malaspina, 1367

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