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Open data 25.11.2014    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Proposto uno standard aperto per gli open data della pa

Adesso che abbiamo gli open data abbiamo pensato di tenerli in ordine nel tempo ?


Indice generato dai software di IusOnDemand
su studi di legal design e analisi testuali e statistiche


Reuben Binns è lo studente PHD dell'università di Southampton con il quale ho vinto l'hacktown sulla privacy per l'Europa nel mese di febbraio 2014. Si svolgeva in tre citta', California, New York e Londra.

Ho preso l'aereo e a Londra abbiamo vinto, insieme ad una grande squadra che abbiamo organizzato all'hackathon.

Qualche giorno fa Reuben ha proposto un formato standard per descrivere gli open data. Mi sembra una idea geniale.

Ecco, dal suo post, su, in parafrasi:

"Gli open data vengono scambiati di frequente tra le istituzioni, e tenere traccia di versioni e fonti è complicato"

" The current legal and regulatory environment that governs the sharing of this data between government agencies, and outside of government, is confusing and filled with inconsistencies."

Ecco quanto segue, in inglese si fa prima:

The case for a Data Sharing Disclosure Standard

Under a Data Sharing Disclosure Standard, any public bodies entering into arrangements to share datasets would have to publish, in a common format, details of those arrangements. This should contain, at a minimum.

  • Who the data controller is;

  • Who the data is (or is to be) shared with;

  • A description of the data in question;

  • Details of the purpose of the share;

  • The status of the share (i.e. applied for, planned, in place, elapsed)

  • The dates within which the share is in place;

  • The power under which the share is made;

Why the contribution is important

By standardising these disclosures using a common data format, and common codes and identifiers:


  • There will be greater transparency of data sharing - allowing citizens, civil society and the private sector to have greater trust in government data sharing arrangements, and to engage in debate over any arrangements which may give rise to concerns. Transparency also creates positive incentives inside government for improved decision making and scrutiny of data shares. With scrutiny from an empowered civil society, transparency also forms an important part of data sharing safeguards.

  • Perception barriers to data sharing can be overcome . Being able to see the data sharing arrangements that other departments, authorities and public bodies have in force will support public officials to establish arrangements, where present misunderstandings, or perceptions that data sharing in certain areas is not possible, are limiting sharing that could be in the interests of citizens.

  • Data sharing arrangements can be made more efficient. At present, departments such as HMRC or DWP have to process hundreds of similar data sharing requests from local authorities and other public bodies. A transparent register, including planned arrangements in the pipeline, would allow create consolidation and consistency across data sharing arrangements, bringing substantial efficiency savings to data sharing departments.

  • Continued rationalisation of data sharing regulations can be realised. By requiring, over time, existing shares to also be disclosed, a data-driven picture can be built up of the current landscape of legal gateways, regulations and arrangements in use, and efforts made to simplify


The current legal and regulatory environment that governs the sharing of this data between government agencies, and outside of government, is confusing and filled with inconsistencies.

25.11.2014 Spataro

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