Osservatorio sul diritto e telecomunicazioni informatiche, a cura del dott. V. Spataro dal 1999, 9332 documenti.

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Magna charta 13.03.2014    Pdf    Appunta    Letti    Post successivo  

Parte la carta dei diritti fondamentali del web: the web the want

Il tempo e' ora.



Tim Berners-Lee  afferma che il futuro avrà internet ovunque e a volte non ce ne accorgeremo.

Urge una carta fondamentale.

Per ironia della sorte, o per condivisione dei pensieri, da qualche mese mi sto muovendo con alcuni audaci avvocati su aspetti specifici del tema.

A 25 anni dalla nascita del web si propone una scritta di un testo fondamentale per tutti.

Nel 1995 proposi una bozza sulle telecomunicazioni. Più di recente, nel 2006, Rodotà fece una ottima proposta.

Per info:

Sono aperto ad ogni ulteriore contributo.

Queste sono le idee (dietro alle quali vorrei scrivere un trattato) che ho steso di recente.

A voi perchè la condivisione e discussione sia proficua.


Il testo può essere modificato nell'hackpad qui disponibile.

Per ovvie ragioni dobbiamo usare l'inglese. Che sarà sicuramente migliore del mio.


Nature Of Internet

Internet is a common of the humanity.

Definition Of Internet

Internet is the technology that let machines share informations.


Human rights do apply to all of kind of hardware, software, communications, and logs, when connected in internet and also when disconnected.

Universal Rights

There is no need to affirm a principle on internet that is already a human right.

Other Rules

Every law can't be different if it regards internet in re ipsa.


Everyone can choose freely to support or not anonimity, for himself or for the others.


Every identification of devices can be stopped, and services can unsupport unindentified devices

Personal Rights

The user that adopt a common standard to allow or disallow services/personal datas has no need to repeat is choise.


Nobody can save datas older than 4 years except the only strictly needed to let the services work or if explicitly and specifically requested by the user.


Everyone offering a service must also give his method to let people contact it with technologies at the state of art.

Business Models

A business model, or a free model, can't be opposed just because it is different.

Publicness Of Documents

Everything (contents and even links) in internet are for public consultation and can be shared unless it is differently and explicitly stated or protected by technologies. Every limit must respect the limit of laws

Net Neutrality

Everybody has the same rights of others to use the internet. Nobody can offer faster access on the public internet to some resources and not others.

Tracking Devices

Every device even potentially connected must have an offline button, a don't share my datas button and a delete button to erase all datas. It must work correctly even without internet and without sharing datas until it is explicitly affirmed the opposite.


For every specification there must be an easy and simple method to disable it.


Every device that has an impact to other people must be used only under permission.


Only Judges can authorize investigations on internet. The method to investigate mass of people must be prevently authorized by a law.

13.03.2014 Spataro

L'importanza della Magna Charta nello studio del diritto oggi
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